Ever Been Called Out By Your Kid? Here’s How Mine Did It In The Best Way!

“Is your life hard, Mom?” my 8-year-old asked, as I huffed around the kitchen cleaning up the 80th round of snack plates since school had been called off for an entire week for the 2nd hurricane in 2 weeks.

His comment snapped me right into mindfulness as he unknowingly became the mirror I needed to peer into that day. (Our children and relationships are always a mirror into our next level of self-mastery.)

I softened into a smile. “No, bud,” I replied. “But I bet it seems like it is because of the way I’m behaving. This storm has been stressful, but life is good.”

And that was the truth. My life is filled with fun and work I love and amazing friends and magic… but I had attached to the challenge of hurricane prep, no power, entertaining my kiddos, and trying to keep up with my business while the rest of the world wasn’t hunkered down like we were.

As I focused on all these things, this became the story that was running my mind and the way I was going about my day-to-day activities.

Thankful for my son’s comment that woke me up, I thought of all the things I was grateful for, turned on some good tunes, and shifted my energy. I made a mental note that I had slipped and felt depleted and as soon as the boys left the house later that morning, I set about depositing some goods into my “cup.”

I let the dirty dishes sit on the counter, made plans with friends, and kicked my a$$ through a sweaty workout that left my muscles quivering.

Then let out a big sigh of relief… and joy.

Let’s look at the process I took to get here. (This is what you and I need to do over and over again as we look to embrace and balance our full, beautiful lives):

Step 1: Self-Awareness – Notice what feels off, draining, or out of alignment (Let others be your mirror.)

Step 2: Radical Responsibility – Remember that the power is in your hands to make a change in mindset, thought, belief, habit, and/or action.

Step 3: Pattern Disruption – Throw out the story that doesn’t serve you and choose how your highest self (the version of you that is 100% worthy, lovable, and deserving of joy) would show up at the moment.

Step 4: Aligned Action – What’s the next right thing that will make you feel good or bring you joy? Repeat.

This is self-mastery, my friend, and this is how you alchemize any challenge life throws at you.

To your joy and success.

Lots of love,

Your coach,


P.S. Would you like support, tools, and accountability to be the best, strongest, most capable version of yourself now — not longer after your one precious life has passed you by? Book an exploratory call with me to determine if working with me as your Success Coach is aligned with your growth journey.

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