Facing the Truth: The First Step to Real Change

A foundation of how I live my life and the work I do, whether I’m facilitating an EQ leadership training or coaching high-performing executives, is Radical Responsibility.

Radical Responsibility is eliminating any blame or excuses and recognizing that you are fully responsible for all the outcomes in your life.

Your joy and success are not determined by who is elected this November, where you grew up, who your parents are, the industry you’re in, or the actions your partner, children, or staff take. Your joy (or lack thereof) is a direct result of YOU – how you view the world, talk to yourself in your mind, and the choices YOU make in response to everything life throws at you.

Without Radical Responsibility, we will not change, and we’ll keep living the life that we have right now over and over and over again (just like Bill Murray’s Groundhog Day.)

But there’s one super critical step that must take place before we can embrace Radical Responsibility and create positive change at work + home. And that’s Radical Self-Honesty.

Radical Self-Honesty allows us to tap into what’s really going on in our lives, how we actually feel, and whether or not we are in alignment with our highest self.

Most of us, myself included, don’t want to see the truth because it’s inconvenient. The truth shows us where we have to change, where we need to stop satisfying our ego, and where we might disappoint others or feel pain. It’s uncomfortable, and frankly, it sucks at the moment.

AND on the other side of facing our truth and then taking radical responsibility and moving through the discomfort of change, is our joy. Our purpose. The magic of this life. Bliss.

But we first need to get to Radical Self-Honesty. Here’s a mantra or prayer I use when I want to invite in the truth for me:

It’s ok for me to see the truth.

I’m brave enough to see the truth.

I’m safe enough to see the truth.

I’m strong enough to see the truth.

It’s time to see the truth.

Me not seeing the truth is me playing small.

Me not seeing the truth is me denying my soul.

Me not seeing the truth is me living out of fear and not love.

I am ready and willing to see the truth.

Cheers to you seeing the truth, taking Radical Responsibility, and moving more into alignment in all aspects of your life.

Lots of love,

Your Coach,


P.S. Ready to initiate transformation and growth in your team or life? To explore leadership training or executive coaching with me, simply book a time that works for both of us HERE.

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