The Four Books That Changed My Life In 2016

95% of the books I read are nonfiction. Likewise, 95% of my “reading” is actually listening on Audible given the current sleep-deprived state of my life. Here are my faves I “read” in 2016:

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up – This book IS changing my life. Marie Kondo’s simple premise is that if you hold something in your hand and it doesn’t give you joy, donate/toss it. I’m still working through my house but my closet has space and only clothes I truly love, my bookshelves have space, my mind has space… there’s now space in my life for better things.

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg – Every woman should read this, especially if you are a working mom. Women have a long way to go towards gender equality in both the home and the workplace, and this book inspires ideas to move us in that direction.

Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton – Like a best friend I’ve known forever, Glennon shares her story of finding sobriety and ways to heal her eating disorder, working through a marriage that experienced infidelity, and finding self acceptance and her voice in such a raw way I couldn’t get through this book fast enough.

On Writing by Stephen King – If you are a writer or just enjoy some humor-filled story-telling by one of the best, have a listen. You’ll pick up tips to improve all styles of writing, and be entertained along the way.

What are your favorite books on your nightstand? Share in the comments below!

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