Four Ways To Increase Resilience At Work

As you know, challenges are a regular part of work (and life). Challenges are especially prevalent in high-performance leadership and in demanding industries like healthcare and service. Resilience is your ability to recover quickly from challenges. Implement these four resilience-building exercises to make sure you – and your team – are thriving.

1. Shift Your Relationship To Failure.

See failure for what it is: a necessary step on your path to success. Failure cannot be avoided and the quicker you embrace failure in your life, the faster you will experience success and resilience.

Of course, move forward making the best decision you can with the information you have and an intention for excellence. Then quickly get into execution and implementation while detaching from the outcome. Only when you take action will you gain feedback, which is data you can then use to determine whether you stay the course or pivot slightly to generate the best results.

Nothing is a failure as long as we don’t give up or quit moving forward.

Click HERE for 3 more ways to create resilience at workfrom my most recent article in Brainz Magazine

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