2 Ways To Uncover Your Biggest Dream To Focus On Right Now

Quarantine helped me remember the power of focus. With less time for my work I was forced to identify necessary essentials (including what I used to think was necessary, but really wasn’t) and also which projects I was most passionate about. I knew I only had space for one of my big ideas, so I turned all my attention to my prescriptive nonfiction book that centers around my Mindful Balanced Life (MBL) Method that I …

Ask This Question If You Want To Be Happy Right Now

“Being right is like heroin to human beings,” says Baron Baptiste, one of my teachers. There is a lot of “rightness” being pushed around right now. The problem (or perhaps the solution if we can see how this influences us) is that we all are, in fact, right. The beliefs we tightly hold onto came from our life experiences and made them right and true for us. This doesn’t mean they are universal truths, but, …

How To Hear True Wisdom Within Yourself

As humans we have a right to fully express our feelings. In fact, we MUST express our feelings for mental and emotional health. BUT as we express, let’s also transmute the energy behind our anger and fear into love and what we really want to create for our world. Be angry. Feel it. Notice how it shows up in your body. Listen to what it’s communicating to you, then act upon that wisdom.  True wisdom …

What Are You Daydreaming Into Reality?

One of my teachers recently asked our community to look at the reality we are creating for our world with our daydreams. (Our daydreams are the 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts that run through our minds each day.) When I looked at the world I was creating through some of my daydreams, it scared me. It was horror movie and war drama kind of stuff that I don’t even want to think or write about any …

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”  The first time I heard this saying I scribbled it on my white board, typed it into my Notes app, and saved it in my Favorite Quotes base on Airtable. (No one has ever called me disorganized lol!)  I couldn’t get this saying off my mind. For much of my life, I did all the things that came my way because I am a strong, efficient high …