Part of what contributes to the angst and overwhelm of our lives is that so many of us wear masks. We choose to be inauthentic to fit in or because that’s what we learned served us or kept us safe as kids. Perhaps we wore the “Tough Girl” mask so the bullies or mean girls would leave us alone. Or we wore the “Good Girl” mask to please our parents who were consumed with a …
Were you the woman behind me at the post office yesterday? The one who was huffing and sighing and displeased? The one who kept eyeing her watch and tap-tap-tapping her feet? The one whose displeasure I could feel even with my back to her and three feet of space between us? Was that you? Well, it’s been me before. I’ve been busy and rushing and trying to check things off my To Do list. I’ve felt like …
We all make mistakes. We are human. Owning our mistakes and apologizing for them is essential to nurture the important relationships in our lives – whether with our children and spouse, or co-workers and friends. We say we are sorry so that we can move on. But there’s only one apology that is sincere, that is worth making. That apology is change. Imagine this: Your boss was upset with your numbers at work this morning, …
“I’m overwhelmed.” I hear this from career moms all the time. I hear this from adults across the board, really. In fact, overwhelm is a feeling most of us were introduced to even before adulthood. I remember feeling overwhelmed way back in high school when I was juggling sports, speech or mock trial, A grades, church requirements, a job, and the desires of a teenager. (Which leads me to question if the pressure we put on …
One of my clients asked me recently, “How can I soften expectations of myself while still leading a powerful life.” Let’s dive into this more. The first thing that we must do is understand where our expectations are coming from. Are your expectations truly yours or are they coming from pressure from someone or something else? Are you looking at someone else’s false portrayal of reality on Facebook and feeling bad about an aspect of …