As much as I love the life I’ve created and my routine that makes me feel good, I enjoy just as much taking a fun vacation. According to a study published in 2010 in the journal Applied Research In Quality Of Life, however, it isn’t actually taking the trip that increases our joy. It’s the anticipation of it that has the greater impact on our happiness. My challenge to you, should you choose to accept it, …
If you are reading this and following me, it’s likely you are committed to growth in your life in some way. You want to understand better so you can do better. As Abraham Maslow discussed in his motivation theory, The Hierarchy of Needs, you want to become self actualized, which means achieving your full potential in life. Your and my drive for growth may be at different strengths or paces, but we are committed to …
Acceptance is spoken of a lot – in the yoga community, in recovery programs, with any kind of healing work. We soak in the Beatles’ song lyrics, “Let it be,” and hear from our spiritual teachers that acceptance is necessary in order for us to be happy. But I’ve learned that a lot of people, myself included at one point, don’t truly understand what the practice of acceptance means. Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation. It doesn’t …
I changed our Facebook group name to “Balance, Presence, Flow,” and here’s why… Something about the old title of “Working Moms Creating Balance & Joy” wasn’t sitting right with me. First of all, I think it’s fair to say that if we are moms, we are working. Some of us go to an office and get paid for our work during the day. Other moms do the hard work of raising our children and caring …
I believe drama is our #1 most unnecessary time and energy suck. In order to eliminate drama, it’s important to understand your role in its creation. Because when you do, you can choose to step into a more empowering role and change the dynamics of your situation. Let’s look at a tool used for psychotherapy that Dr. Stephen Karpman coined as the Drama Triangle in 1968. Imagine the shape of a triangle pointing down (as …