How Coaching Is Different From Therapy

Therapy and coaching are both invaluable support systems for understanding, processing, and learning to thrive during the challenges and opportunities of our human experience. I have utilized both modalities at different points of my life.

Below is a general overview of the difference between my style of coaching and therapy. There are many different models of therapy and coaching, as well as skill levels of practitioners. Be sure you check references and credentials and feel a connection with whoever you choose to work with.

Therapy focuses on the past.
My coaching focuses on the present.

Yes, we look at the past and how it shows up in the present, but we do not dwell there.

Therapy isn’t time-bound.
My coaching is time-bound.

My coaching programs take place within a specific amount of time (usually 8 – 16 weeks, depending on what goals you want to achieve). During that time, you’ll move through my proven step-by-step Self-Mastery Method with a known end date.

Therapists diagnose, treat, and heal mental health illnesses.
My coaching helps clients achieve goals.

Together, we break through stuck behavioral patterns, de-clutter emotional obstacles, and implement strategies for change.

Therapy is facilitated by a licensed therapist.
My coaching is facilitated by me, a certified coach.

I have studied human and organizational psychology and high performance extensively and keep up-to-date on the latest research, but I am not a licensed therapist. My expertise integrates western psychology and eastern mindfulness.

Therapy can foster dependence.
My coaching empowers you to tap into your own wisdom.

We are partners working towards your goals. The work we do together will empower you to access your own wisdom and learn life-long tools you can utilize whenever challenges arise, without a dependence on me.

Therapy focuses on healing.
My coaching views you as the whole, resilient, empowered being that you are.

You are not broken. You do not need to be fixed. Together we’ll uncover the already-existing thriving potential within you. The transformation I guide you through isn’t about adding things to your life, it’s about deconstructing and releasing beliefs, habits, and mindsets that no longer serve you.

Success Coach Sara Mueller

If you’re curious if coaching with me is a right fit for you, book a free 20-minute exploratory call with me HERE or email with any questions.