How I Course-Corrected My Quarantine Rock Bottom

Two weeks ago, I hit quarantine rock bottom. Tweezing out the gravel in my stinging wounds, I assessed how I had gotten here, and how I could get back up again.

Overnight I had become a stay-at-home mom with the closing of kindergarten and our decision to keep our youngest home from day care/preschool. I continued serving my current contracted coaching clients, but put all other business projects on hold to free up time to care for our little guys. I was both excited and scared for this new opportunity.

While I was loving my time with the boys, I started considering other’s advice on how to survive quarantine, rather than staying committed to what works for me in regular life (that has its own challenging ways). Slowly, like a leaking faucet, the tools and behaviors that had served me as a joyful, productive adult disappeared down the drain. Drip by drip, I became less myself and quarantine got harder and harder.

These are the mistakes I made, and how I course-corrected, so, if needed, you can correct your course too.

They said this is hard. Make sure you are letting your frustrations out…

So I started sharing my challenges with my friends. This quickly escalated into complaining about my days and focusing on everything that was hard and making me angry.

Just as the Law of Attraction or Law of Cause & Effect would have it, my focus on the negative gave me more things to complain about, more experiences that felt hard, and more anger.

So I course-corrected. I went back to what I know works:  I committed to keeping my vibe high and my thoughts positive, knowing that whatever I put out into the world comes back to me 3x over, knowing that what I focus on expands.

When I witness a feeling rise up that I don’t want to expand, like sadness or anger, I allow it to move through me by feeling the physical effects of it on my body and labeling my experience internally, rather than clinging through attention and story. When I feel frustrated, I get curious about what the frustration is trying to communicate with me, then act on that insight.

Flow is a regular part of my day again.

They said don’t worry about screen time for the kiddos…

So I reintroduced iPads daily to my boys to “make it through each day.”

My oldest son is a highly sensitive extrovert. This means he’s easily hypnotized by the screen which doesn’t provide him real connection with humans (that his extroverted mind craves). So after iPad use, he acts out in need of attention.

Struggling to find a balance with iPads prior to COVID-19, we implemented an iPads-only-on-the-weekends-or-while-traveling boundary and his behavior improved almost immediately. (Yes, it required me to include him more in activities around the house and be present for games and conversation, but I reminded myself that this is what I committed to when I chose to become a mom and this is what’s best for all of us.)

Of course, when I took away this weekends-only iPad boundary during quarantine, my son’s behavior got difficult again as connection went away.

So I course-corrected. We went back to what we know works: iPads only on the weekends. (Yes, I do let my boys watch TV, and now they’re watching more than when they were in school, but TV doesn’t have the isolating effects that the iPad seems to. And they get bored of TV sooner, moving onto a different activity that doesn’t involve a screen.)

Connection and ease are a regular part of our day again.

They said it’s ok to rest more and slow down your days…

So I decided to sleep in and dismiss the morning routine that has fueled my success for so many years (though somehow I still found 10 minutes each day to meditate… This is a practice that I will never let go of because the benefits are immediate and so essential for my well-being and inspiration.)

Without my morning routine I spent all day long feeling like I was playing catch up. My cup was empty so any little hiccup felt like a hernia. I smiled less and wanted to nap more.

So I course-corrected. I went back to what I know works: I set my alarm clock to get up before the boys to meditate, read my daily affirmation, visualize the day and dreams I desire, and work towards a goal.

Joy is a regular part of my day again.

They said have compassion for yourself and your body during this challenging time…

So I quit doing my weekly cleanse day and ate more treats and comfort food. Five gained pounds later with a constant wedgie no matter what I wore, my energy was low and my mood was meh.

So I course-corrected. I went back to what I know works:  I re-started my weekly cleanse day, stopped the refined sugar, and view my food as fuel instead of as a coping mechanism to get through this time.

Vitality is a regular part of my day again.

They said don’t worry about self-improvement right now. Just do what you need to get by and try to enjoy this time with your family…

So I quit working on my personal goals and focused my productivity on my family and our home. Surely, since I love being a mom so much, all would be well.

But it wasn’t. I barely wanted to get out of bed in the morning and I felt meaningless, like I wasn’t contributing to the world or using my gifts. Even though I knew being there for my boys is incredibly important, it wasn’t enough for me. I felt life was passing me by while in quarantine, like I was in a holding pattern with a pilot that had no idea when we were going to land.

So I course-corrected. I went back to what I know works:  I focused on myself and being of service just as much as I focused on my family. I signed up for 2 online courses that I listen to as I cook, clean, and drive since learning lights me up. I blocked out a non-negotiable, not-allowed-to-be interrupted hour each day to work on my book. I savor each coaching call with my clients and give thanks for the opportunity to serve them and witness their transformations.

Because of this, a grounding routine has settled into our days. I have a skip in my step and a smile on my face.

Purpose is a regular part of my day again.

Where do you need to course-correct?

What do you NEED to hear vs. WANT to hear?

What are your tools for success and joy, and are you using them right now?

Where have you put your life on hold? Isn’t it about time to get it back?!

Cheers to your one beautiful life that’s happening right now.


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