How To Align Your Body, Mind & Spirit For The New Year

The first week of the New Year has always been a bit of a challenge for me. I’m psyched up for carrying out the strategic plan I built for my personal and professional life in early December, but my body, mind, and spirit are not quite on board yet! 

My body is trying to return to normal after a month of indulging in Christmas cookies for lunch and traditional, low-nutrition – but oh, so tasty! – recipes. Aligned with the seasons, winter is generally a time when mammals rest to prepare their bodies for the important work of spring. But because December is full of fun holiday doings, we run around active as a 4-year-old fueled up with snow cones on a long summer day. This leaves my body tired and craving naps, rest, and a gentler version of the power yoga I normally do. 

My mind is thinking of all the goals I have for the future, but it can’t settle down in the present to get to work because of… all… the… clutter. While our family lives a pretty simple, clutter-free life, at the beginning of January it’s like I can’t breathe. There’s more space in our home because the holiday décor is gone, but everything feels smothered. 

I find myself going into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee only to emerge an hour later having organized our lazy Susan and given away several kitchen gadgets we rarely use. Getting dressed in the morning turns into purging my already-regularly-purged closet. And while there always seems to be some way for a writer to procrastinate the act of actually writing, cleaning out my desk drawers becomes top priority before I start typing. 

Then there’s my spirit. I normally feel a beautiful, aligned sense of flow, like my intuition is telling me exactly how to move forward in my business and life. Last week, however, I noticed a lot of resistance, which started creating doubt.As a success coach who guides women through relationship, parenting, and career transformations on the regular, I know that resistance is part of the process. That it doesn’t mean we should stop, but we should continue on to break through. “What do I need to break through?” I kept asking myself. 

Since I couldn’t come to the answer on my own, and I wasn’t about to let any more time go by in the state I was in, I asked for help. Thankfully I work with several mentors and coaches and reached out to the first person who came to mind as I kept staring my resistance in the face not able to move through it. She helped me shift my energy, see what was blocking me that I couldn’t put my finger on myself, and move forward. I’m thankful for her! 

What does all this mean for you? 

Try these on: 

1) BODY – Do what you need to at the beginning of this year to get your body back on track. Get back into the eating and exercising routine that works for you asap. If you need more sleep, go to bed earlier or take a nap. If you need more heart-pumping cardio to burn through the political stress of last week, do that. Listen to your body and get it primed to support you through this new year – that is going to be freaking amazing, btw! 

2) MIND – Clear out your space. The act of clearing out clutter from your physical space clears mental clutter and has been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and overwhelm. Toss, donate, give away. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. You can’t create something new from something old. You must first make space for something new and better. Make some space to breathe with ease, especially with all the time we are spending in our homes these days. 

3) SPIRIT – Consider where you have cut off connection to your spirit or source energy. Has the doing, doing, doing of the holiday season taken you away from your natural state of being? Have you been too focused on others and neglected yourself? Have you forgotten that there is an abundant universe here to always support you so you never have to tackle your challenges and goals alone? Do you need to call one of your coaches or mentors for a session to help you see what’s keeping you stuck in the old energy of 2020? 

You always have everything you need right within you. It’s up to YOU to take that wisdom and act upon it. 

💖 Lots of love to you and this incredible New Year!
Your coach,

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