How To Listen To Your Inklings & Make Each Day Count

I remember my dad telling me that as you get older, every day and year passes quicker than the one before.

Last night at bedtime Mav said, “Mama, this year has gone by so quickly!”

Even as a 7-year-old, he’s noticing the quick passing of time. I had an opportunity at that moment to share with him what his Grandad told me about time. And why it’s so important to make each day count.

Making each day count isn’t about hustling and being busy and running ourselves ragged – though there are definitely times in our lives when urgency and some extra hustle is necessary. Instead, making each day count is about enjoying the simple moments of our lives that seem ordinary, but with a little gratitude and presence added in, can be quite magical.

It’s about spending time on what matters.

It’s about taking care of our mental, emotional, and physical health so we can enjoy the magical moments and have energy to work on what matters.

And it’s about doing those things we know deep in our heart that we want and need to do before our hourglass runs out of sand.

Most of us don’t even acknowledge those inklings within us. We pretend they aren’t there; we stay busy enough to muffle their call. You see, it’s easier to keep trucking along in our familiar status quo (even if our status quo is full of frustration or resentment), than it is to take bold, courageous action towards the life of our dreams. Because bold, courageous action often requires us to be seen starting small, risking failure, and rejection or judgment.

People are going to reject and judge us anyway, so what have we got to lose?

Sometimes we might think of our inklings as pleasant or enjoyable. Sometimes our inklings seem hard, challenging, even impossible. Nonetheless, they are our inklings, and they are in our hearts for a reason. In order to minimize the regret we will feel as the final pieces of sand run through our hourglass, we must act on our inklings.

Will you start today?

I’m rooting you on!

Have it all.

Your coach,


P.S. Ready to follow your inkling and make some serious change in your parenting, relationships or career? Then book a free 25-minute coaching consultation with me HERE! I’m confident my coaching can help you. If for some reason it can’t, I’ll point you in the right direction so you’ll be one step closer to the life you desire this holiday season.

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