How To Move Past Resistance To Achieve Your Goals

Let’s talk about 2 Essential Ingredients To Make Lasting Change (that most people dismiss) So You Can Achieve Your Goals And Desires In 2020.

Because, let’s be honest with ourselves here, all growth and achievement of our goals, whether personal or professional, requires change of some sort. Change can look like shifting our mindset or habits, learning a new skill, or adjusting the way we spend our time. If we don’t initiate change, 2020 is going to come and go looking just like 2019.

Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity? “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” That’s what I’m talking about here.

So what is this first critical element to initiate lasting change?

It may sound simple, but the answer is to be willing to change.

When we become aware that something in our life needs to shift, and then acknowledge that willingness in us to do so, it’s the first step of our transformation. From there, all the universe conspires to bring us what we uniquely need to evolve.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” ~ Buddhist Proverb

Once the seed of willingness has been planted, we then need to stay mindful and keep our eyes open to receive the messages for our next step.

You are probably aware that change, even though its in our best interest, is often met with resistance. Resistance can show up in the following ways (and Louise Hay outlines even more of these examples in her book You Can Heal Your Life):

1. Justification.

Examples: They wouldn’t be able to help me anyway. My husband won’t understand.

2. Giving Our Power To Others.

Examples: It’s against my upbringing. I can’t get the time off work.

3. Limiting Beliefs.

Examples: Love is not for me. It’s too expensive. I’m too old. I’m too busy.

4. Delay Tactics.

Examples: I’ll do it later. As soon as I get through X, I’ll do Y. I don’t have the time right now.

5. Denial.

Examples: What good would it do to change? If I ignore it, it will go away. I was all right before, I’ll be all right this time.

6. Fear.

Examples: I’m not ready yet. I might fail. It’s too hard. I don’t have enough energy or money right now.

Have you experienced any of these forms of resistance? That’s a good thing. Yes, I said good! Because if we are experiencing resistance, that means the change process has been set in motion. It’s our job, then, to recognize this resistance and choose instead to be in action.

You see, many of us continue forward in our life without ever changing since we’ve learned to manage the pain of our current situation. As uncomfortable as it is, we know it and we know how to deal with our own misery.

So in order to move past our resistance and achieve the goals we desire for our life, we need this second crucial ingredient:

We must get crystal clear on exactly what it’s costing us to stay the same.

If you stay the same, what will it cost you?

Your health? Your marriage? Not living your purpose? Your earning potential? The relationship with your children? Not being able to help others? Your joy?

When we identify how staying the same will cost us, and we realize that cost is actually much greater than the current pain we are experiencing, we are then able to move past our resistance and be in action.

So there you have it, two essential elements to achieving your goals:

1. The willingness to change.
2.  Knowing what it will cost you to stay the same.

If you are in a willing space to move past your resistance to create a life you adore and my messages have resonated with you, I invite you to explore my coaching programs. There has never been a better time for you to be 100% supported and held accountable to make lasting change to a joyful life.

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