How To Spot The Stories In Your Head That Steal Your Leadership Effectiveness

As human beings, we love a good story. Stories are how cultural traditions are passed on. They are the way we learn about our ancestors and heritage. And telling a story is one of the best ways to connect with an audience or help others retain information.

Inside our heads, however, stories do not serve us. Yet so many of us spend time manufacturing, ruminating on, and acting in accordance with stories that are often far from the neutral facts. This causes us to waste our precious time and energy and adds unnecessary drama and stress to our days.

I recently texted my friend Vicki and asked her if she wanted to have a playdate with our kiddos. Normally Vicki is pretty quick to respond to a text message, so when I hadn’t heard from her after a couple hours had passed, I went into story-making mode in my mind.

Click here to access the full article in Brainz Magazine.

#haveitall! 💪

💜 Your coach,


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