Investing In ME And Celebrating YOU!

One year ago today I had a call with Gemma, a member of my Business and Mindset Coach’s team, and signed up for a program to brand and expand my coaching business. My trip to India earlier that summer had lit a fire in me that was ready to burn, and I knew her coaching program could get me to where my heart and all the signs that were flashing in my face were telling me to go.

Yes, it was a huge investment, more than I’d ever spent on one training or workshop, besides my Bachelor’s Degree. Yes, I was planning to evacuate my 1 and 3-year-old from our home later that week because of Hurricane Irma, without any knowing of when we’d return or even if we’d have a house to come home to. And yes, I was headed into the busiest quarter of my corporate career.

All of these things could have been excuses that kept me from the investment in the program, in myself, and in my business. But when I was real and raw with myself, I knew my life could not look the same in four months as it did one year ago today. I knew I was being called to share my learnings with more people. I knew others needed me and I needed them. I decided to get out of my own way and finally – FINALLY! – take a step forward towards creating the life I desired.

It’s been a ride. Never have I worked so hard, stepped out of my comfort zone so much, or wanted to throw in the towel and give up so many times. My husband has lifted me up (physically and emotionally) from a bed of tears and worry more times this past year than he has in the 17 years we’ve been together (including all the tough work the two of us have done together to heal our marriage). Every week I have been growing, scaring the shit out of myself, feeling doubt, then tapping back into my strength, inner wisdom, and peaceful knowing.

I chose this. I choose this. When I look at my clients’ faces and see joy, peace, excitement, fun, and life; when I’m brought to tears of gratitude every single day from the enjoyment of my family; when my new colleagues, teammates, and coaches have got my back, no matter what; I know I am in the right place.

I’ve seen too many unexpected deaths, too many suicides, too many women with regret as their children move out of the house, too many women think they have to choose family or career (but not both), too many relationships end only for the same struggles to reappear in the next relationship, too many women smudge their light instead of shining bright. Enough. ENOUGH.

On this anniversary of one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, I celebrate me. I celebrate my business and coaching programs. I celebrate my clients. I celebrate you, my blog readers and social media followers. I celebrate the thousands of women, families, relationships, businesses, and communities I will serve in the future. I celebrate life, a life beyond my wildest dreams.

Now, let’s see what we can create together over the next 365 days! 😉

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