It’s How We Show Up That Matters

Last Friday:

6:15am Conference calls with Europe.

11:00am Impromptu yoga sweat sesh in my office since I won’t be able to break away later in the afternoon for class at the studio as planned.

12noon Answer a call from my husband informing me our 2-year-old has strep throat. He’s now with Grandma and on antibiotics. Thank goodness for my village.

12:30pm Back to work.

3:30pm Donuts with Dads at 4-year-old’s preschool. I get to be “Dad.” Because my husband Mike took our youngest to the doctor in the morning, he can no longer get away in the afternoon for this activity. (Coincidentally Mike got to play “Mom” before Mother’s Day when I was on a work trip in New York.)

3:45pm Was planning to finish up some work for an hour but hear that my youngest isn’t doing well. So I scoop up both boys and we head home for a popcorn movie party and snuggles.

Every day of my life looks different. Some days work gets more of me. Some days my family gets more of me. Some days my well-being has to take center stage. But always I know I have a choice as to how I spend my time.

I have a choice as to what I prioritize.

I have a choice as to how I respond when things don’t go as planned.

I have a choice about what I value.

I have a choice around how I feel about my decisions.

I have a choice as to whether or not I let others’ expectations drive my decisions.

Because I am aligned with my values and am constantly practicing mindfulness, I know I am making decisions from a place of authenticity, from a place that serves my family, my career, and my greatest good.

Sure, I make mistakes. But from this place of mindfulness I can learn from them and do better next time. “Now that I know better, I do better,” said Maya Angelou.

At the end of the day, it’s how we show up that matters. Not when, but how.

When we show up with full presence, when we show up with an intention for connection and doing our best, when we show up with a full cup to give, the priorities in our life work themselves out, and we can be proud of all we accomplish.

How are you showing up for the important things in your life today?

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