Less Frustration & Better Boundaries With Your Family This Holiday Season

Last September I started a gratitude journal for my husband. Every single day I wrote down one reason I loved him or was grateful for him. One year later, I gave him the journal as a birthday present. While it was meant to be a gift for him, it really ended up being a gift for me and our family. 💝

You see, all successful people know that what we focus on expands. I could spend my energy focusing on the shoes my husband left in the kitchen, the one time he forgot to pack the boys a snack for school, or the dishes that were dirty in the sink. Or, I could focus on 365 ways that he graciously loved and cared for me and our family. Same life experience; different marriage satisfaction. The more I focused on the positive, the more positive I saw. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

This coming Thanksgiving may bring you together with challenging family members who can be your biggest triggers and hardest relationships. 🥴 Instead of focusing on all the ways your uncle annoys you or your mother-in-law passive aggressively criticizes your parenting, focus on what you can love and appreciate about the human being in front of you.

🤯 Instead of being frustrated by your family, consider being fascinated by them, as one of my mentors advises. As in, “Huh, what an interesting view on politics you have. That’s fascinating!” 🧐

Plus, we are all subject to Confirmation Bias, meaning the Reticular Activating System in our brain stem 🧠 filters all the info we consume through our unique belief systems and only registers what confirms our already existing beliefs about ourselves and the world. Therefore, it’s highly unlikely you will ever change your uncle’s view on politics. Save your time and energy for something you actually have control over! 💥

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Speaking of control, focusing on the positive or fascinating things about the person in front of you does NOT mean it’s OK for them to treat you poorly, dismiss your needs, or overstep your boundaries. YOU are in control of what you accept or tolerate in all of your relationships by the boundaries you choose to uphold or not.

I recently led a training on “How To Set And Uphold Boundaries” for our amazing Radiant Greatness membership community. As a way of saying thank you for being a loyal reader of our newsletter, I am buying you an hour of my time and making the boundaries training available to you until Wednesday, November 24th. 🎁

Access the boundary training HERE!

🙏 Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the pumpkin pie! 🥧 (My favorite!!!)

💪Have it all,

Your coach,

P.S. Boundaries are essential to living a balanced life you love. But most of us aren’t skilled at setting and maintaining boundaries, which is why I created this boundary training for the Radiant Greatness members. As my way of saying thank you this holiday season, you can access it HERE through Wednesday, November 24th.

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