Lighting A 🔥 Under Your A$$

In 2017 I visited India for the first time. I went with a friend to help her create partnerships with local organizations that could support her nonprofit.

I was excited to experience this new country that had been on my bucket list since I became an avid yogi (and then teacher) back in my 20s. But our trip wasn’t about tourism. We weren’t planning to visit any temples, ride the elephants, or study at an ashram. We were headed into orphanages in the bustling tech city of Hyderabad. And then into the slums of Mumbai (some of the largest slums in the world).

I have been blessed to experience a life of travel that has opened me up to the world and other cultures and people different from me. I traveled the back roads of war-stricken Vietnam. I spent three months volunteering in orphanages in the favelas of Brazil where we weren’t allowed to get out of our transportation van until the orphanage gates were closed and locked behind us. I was a mentor to a little girl whose mother was incarcerated for selling drugs and lived in a hard part of Washington Heights in New York City that I walked through every month for nearly 2 years. I even helped out at the soup kitchens in downtown Minneapolis in my teens.

But I had never experienced poverty and pollution like what I saw in Mumbai. It literally made me sick to my stomach, disturbed me to my core, and broke my heart wide open.

On the plane ride home from India I started my blog, which would later become my coaching business. So many people are hurting, so many people have so little, and I have so much, I kept thinking. I know that I have insight, wisdom, and now a method that can help women lead balanced lives that they love so they can raise thriving children, revive their marriages, and lead meaningful businesses. How dare I not share this with the world?

India lit a fire under my ass to carry forth ideas that had been swimming around in my mind for at least a decade. I could never un-see the poverty, despair, and pollution that was on every street corner. I had to do my part to make this world a better place.

Have you had an experience that has lit a fire under your a$$?

Have you felt a sense of urgency or determination that resonates in the depths of your bones?

Have you uncovered that purpose that was planted within you?

Often the answer is yes, though its much easier for us to say no. If we forget the fire beneath us, if we deny our purpose or ignore the urgency within us, it’s a much easier, safer way to live. We are protected from failing, from looking silly, and from being rejected. So we pretend we don’t know what our purpose is. We pretend we are too busy with all the rest of life to do something important. We pretend we haven’t heard the call.

But it never goes away.

There is a reason you are here on this earth at this exact time, born into the exact family you were born into, raising the exact children that have come through you.

Please don’t forget this.

Please share your shine.

🔥The fire has started, so throw on some kindling.🔥

Lots of love, your coach,


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