Create lasting balance and success to #haveitall.
With Sara Mueller, Success Coach specializing in Leadership Performance, Emotionally Intelligent Relationships, and Conscious Parenting
The Mindful Balanced Life Coaching Program is a 4-month personal transformation for women who want to create balance in their life, reignite their marriage, and make a greater impact at work and with their children.
If you want to “have it all,” without sacrificing your health, career, children, marriage, friends, or fun… but you’re so overwhelmed and tied to your To-Do List and work schedule that you question if “having it all” is even possible…
Then the Mindful Balanced Life Coaching Program is for you.
“Learning how to focus on myself, how to have some “me time” without distracting from my family and children, was life changing for me.”
~Shaama Chahoud, Healthcare Operations Manager & Mama of 2
Dear High Achiever Seeking Balance & Joy,
You’re ambitious and driven, showing the workplace the power of women. You would move heaven and earth for your children, even give them your last breath. You’re the CEO of your family, managing EVERYTHING – without you, it would all crumble. On top of all this, you long for something more: to make a difference, to inspire others, to have time for your passion. (Heck, right now, you long for time in general, time to go to the bathroom in peace or time to get to the gym this week.)
But you’re stressed, overwhelmed, resentful, and unfulfilled. You’re exhausted, distracted and impatient. You yell at your children more than you want to admit. And while you love your spouse, the demands of “adulting” have come between you two. In fact, it’s more like you’re roommates who are growing more distant and bitter by the day. The girl you once were – happy, vibrant, passionate, and fun – hasn’t made an appearance in a really long time.
You feel like something’s gotta give but you still desire a full life of joy and success.
While you may think balance will come once you get a live-in housekeeper… or your partner changes… or you can work from home… or even our patriarchal culture shifts… the truth is: The only person you can change is yourself. When you first create balance and joy WITHIN yourself, you’ll experience balance and success in your marriage, family, and career.
You desire…
More time and energy, because we both know you’re running on empty!
To contribute to the well-being and healthy development of your children (while meeting work deadlines and personal goals).
Intimacy and connection with your spouse, plus a stronger partnership to share your family’s workload.
Success in a meaningful career you love, while also being a rock-star mom.
More time for self-care, sleep, friends, and fun (without all the guilt).
And most of all…
To have AND balance it all with ease and joy.
The problem is…
You’ve been so busy checking off the boxes of adulthood, that your life isn’t really “yours” anymore. It’s filled with deadlines, guilt, drama, and everyone else’s demands.
So maybe you…
Picked up a self-help book… and while the concepts made sense (if you actually took it off your nightstand and read it, that is), they’re hard to implement or stick with.
Or you tried therapy… but the sessions felt like they had no end goal to arrive at, and you spent lots of time trying new communication tools or wallowing in the past instead of making lasting change in the present.
Or you committed to meditating, exercising, and eating well… but 3 weeks (or 3 days) later, life happened, and you were back to your old ways again.
And the cycle continues… year after year after year after year…
Take a deep breath, my friend, because there’s a better way...
You don’t have to continue down this same path, hoping things will change once you complete the project at work, or your spouse gets the hint to help around the house more, or your kids go off to college.
You can break the patterns you are in and stop worrying that time is too quickly passing you by.
You can discover joy again.
And fall in freaking LOVE with this one precious life of yours!
Are you ready?
Then buckle up! Because the Mindful Balanced Life Coaching Program and I are here to help you!

Hi! My name is Sara Mueller.
I’m a Success Coach who specializes in Leadership Performance, Relationships & Conscious Parenting.
I’m a mom, a wife, a badass businesswoman, and a lover of life.
In fact, I’ve built a full life that I love.
But It Wasn’t Always This Way For Me.
Before I understood what I now teach my clients, I was worrying about my job all the time and not sleeping well. I was drinking too much wine rather than dealing with parts of my life that weren’t working. I was fighting with my brothers and angry at my parents. I was ten pounds overweight and yo-yo-ing between being happy momentarily and wanting to move across the country to start my life over. (Hint: Wherever you go, there you are. Moving never would have solved anything!)
Since I was burnt out and lacked a sense of purpose, I left my corporate job to teach yoga full time. But even a Zen job like that didn’t bring me the harmony I sought. Instead, it brought me an empty bank account and even more stress than before, so after two years of trying this strategy, I made my way back to Corporate America. I had a bigger paycheck again, but my discontent was still there, showing up as exhaustion, loneliness, and mild depression.
I lacked friends that truly understood me and a community that supported my greatest self. I was uncomfortable in my skin and lacked the confidence to advance my career and pursue my dreams (even though on the outside, I appeared “successful” and like everything was fine). Limiting beliefs and negative generational patterns ruled my world and I started pushing my husband away. In fact, our marriage almost ended in divorce before our children were even born.
It took being brought to my knees with the near-ending of my marriage to finally accept that I needed to change. I had to take a close look at me and how I was showing up in my world, in order to live the life I so deeply desired.
So I spent many years and thousands of dollars to transform my inner world. I learned to love and forgive myself (and others) and to stand in my authentic power. I quieted the critical voices in my head and got clarity on my career and life goals.

My Life Began To Shift.
I felt energized. I developed meaningful friendships. I owned my confidence and leadership abilities which helped me exceed my career goals every year and increase my compensation.
My husband and I healed our marriage. We got to a healthy, united place where we were finally able to bring children into this world. (Before we did our work, several attempts at pregnancy had ended in miscarriage.)
I believe God (or the Universe, or Source, or Life, or whatever you call our creator) had a bigger plan for us, one that involved us taking care of our struggles FIRST, so we’d be ready to create the best, stable life for our babies.
After my children were born, I mourned the loss of my previous life but celebrated the birth of these two beings whose psychological and emotional development I was now responsible for. I committed to continuing to do my work so I could bring elements of who I was before I had children into this new, more demanding, life I was so incredibly grateful to have.
So I became a Certified Conscious Parenting Method Coach from Oprah’s go-to parenting expert, Dr. Shefali Tsabury. I was trained by high performance, mindset, productivity, and leadership experts to up-level my life and maintain balance. I made these investments in me and my family because I wanted us to live a life we’d love NOW, rather than “throwing spaghetti at the wall” listening to podcasts and reading personal growth books, trying to figure it out on my own. Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE learning through podcasts and books. I read an average of 50 books a year to stay up to date for my clients on the latest research and developments. But I know my time is my most valuable asset and that we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow, so I sought help from those who had already accomplished what I wanted to.
I invested many years and over six figures into my personal and professional growth. I tell you this because YOU don’t have to invest the same amount of money and time that I did to discover balance and joy. You see, I’ve taken the most impactful learnings from my own journey and turned them into the Self-Mastery Method which I now coach women through to help them create balanced lives they love.

Why This So Important To Me:
Women CAN #haveitall.
We don’t have to sacrifice our children, or career, or marriage, or health, or sleep, or passion in order to accomplish whatever dreams we have for ourselves. Our dreams were put in our hearts for a reason — to make this world a better place in the unique way that only we can.
When we own our inner strength and live a full, balanced life we love:
- Our children don’t inherit the same generational patterns that have held us back… instead, they grow into their beautiful, powerful authentic selves.
- Our businesses and C-level leadership include more women… creating organizations with better results, a more positive impact, and a stronger global economy.
- Our communities are filled with generous people who care about one another and have the energy to change things for the better… so we all smile more.
Person by person, child by child, I’m committed to sharing the wisdom I’ve learned over the years to support the growth of others.
What To Expect From The Mindful Balanced Life Coaching Program:
This program will take you from bitter and blah to balance and bliss! You’ll connect to your inner strength and be the rock your family needs to thrive.
Together, we’ll:
- Raise your energy levels and have more fun!
- Minimize stress, mom guilt, and overwhelm.
- Become more focused and productive.
- Build the communication and intimacy necessary for a true partnership to fall back in love with your spouse and trust in the future of your relationship.
- Practice more patience and presence with your children to soak up your precious time together.
- Be the role model you desire to be for your children to contribute to their healthy development.
- Modify your home to be an organized, warm, and supportive space for your family to thrive.
- Build a high-vibe tribe of people that support your greatest self.
- Uncover what truly brings you joy and make space for it in your daily life.
- Put your career on a path for more fulfillment, advancement, and support while balancing your other values.
- Inspire other women as they see you owning your beauty and strength.
- Know how to tap into your intuition so you always have inner guidance.

How Will We Accomplish This?
I’ll lead you through my proven process, the Mindful Balanced Life Method. Together, we’ll:
PHASE 1: Mindful Balanced You
- Reclaim your time and energy by creating clarity around what you want and living authentically.
- Uncover, heal, and release limiting beliefs and negative behavioral patterns so they no longer rule your life or are passed down to your children.
- Enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health with mindfulness and accountability, because without this approach, most people fall back into their same old ways.
PHASE 2: Mindful Balanced Connection With Others
- Heal or find peace in any relationship. (Without these tools you’ll waste precious time and energy on unnecessary drama, and keep attracting the same personal and professional relational patterns into your life over and over.)
- Move past resentment and uncertainty to create connection, partnership, and intimacy in your marriage. Only one person has to initiate change to proactively change the entire system. That person is you.
- Establish conscious parenting, because without this framework, you’ll inhibit your children’s emotional development, self confidence, and how they relate with others (including you). Whether they are toddlers, teens, or adults, you’ll learn how to truly connect with them (which is what they secretly crave) to reduce conflict and promote their success.
PHASE 3: Mindful Balanced Life
- Attract more abundance into your life and opportunities in your career by uncovering any wealth or leadership blocks you have.
- Create a support system for you to live a full, balanced life that you ENJOY!
- Integrate passion into your daily life. Once you do this work, your beauty and power are unleashed, and it becomes crystal clear what your purpose is and how you can best contribute to the world.

I know that sounds like a lot – IT IS! It’s a full self-makeover!
But it’s a simple, proven process that’s easy to digest. Since I know what it’s like being a busy working mom, I built this to be completely doable for anyone, no matter how many hours you work or how many children you have or how long your To Do List is.
Here’s How You’re FULLY SUPPORTED To Achieve The Change You Desire (And Deserve):
#1 Transformative Training:

- The Self-Mastery Success Method, your step-by-step dependable road map to balance and success
- Delivered in 16 weekly lesson videos to watch on your own schedule via our membership site
- My most impactful tools: Downloadable worksheets, scripts, how-tos & bonus trainings
#2 Group Accountability:

- A private forum to connect with other ambitious women committed to living their best life
- On this forum, I actively coach you and your new support community daily
#3 Private 1:1 Coaching:

- Have a question about the program homework? You and I will talk through it on the calls.
- Is work or your daughter challenging you? We’ll discuss it on the calls.
- Need support in any area of your life? I’ll personally coach you through it on the calls
- Done via Zoom – which means no commute time for you!
#4 Additional Coaching Support:

- Unlimited email, text, and voice message coaching from me – so you can get instant support and accountability whenever life happens
- Unlimited homework review – so you’ll get regular feedback on your blind spots, where you may be holding yourself back, and deeper growth opportunities
- Guided meditations and visualizations to live the life beyond your wildest dreams
What Other Women Like You Have Experienced Working With Me:
“This program gave me a blueprint for navigating my own thoughts, doubts and overall perspective, as well as relationships and general interactions with others. I feel like I have a mental and emotional safety net within the framework of this program.
I got to know myself better (or again) and was reminded that I like who I am at my core. It was well worth the time, effort and investment. I have already recommended it to others!”
~Sara Gee, Realtor & Mama of 1
“Sara is amazing and has done the work, so she knows what women are going through and how to find calm and balance that fits your lifestyle. I obtained a tremendous amount of insight from Sara and was able to apply it immediately with huge downstream impacts for me and my family.”
~Aimee Greczmiel, VP of Risk Management & Mama of 2
“I started Sara’s program hoping to find clarity in the direction of my career and left with so much more. Sara is honest, passionate, and supportive which has helped me discover the joy and mindfulness that was missing in my life.”
~Ami Becvar, Sales Executive & Mama of 1
“The simple reflections and practical life applications in manageable steps helped me to shift balance in my own life.
I have found greater ease in the transition between personal and professional roles each day and feel empowered to continue to move forward with long-held aspirations.
If you are looking for direction, feeling overwhelmed, wondering “what now?” or just need some friendly faces to listen and understand, this program can meet you where you are and take you where you hope to go.”
~Amelia Bueche, Physician, Cross-Fit Gym Owner & Mama of 3
“I loved the program!! In life, I tend to “fall off track” so to speak, and your program helped bring forward for me what was important. The homework was crucial for me.
I liked the time commitment and usually could get to it (barring mandatory meetings), so I like that the schedule was built in and could be planned for.
Thank you again for this amazing offering.”
~Lynette Cahill, Healthcare Vendor Manager & Mama of 1
“One of the most significant shifts from this program was to learn to acknowledge my feelings. As an overachiever, I’d become really effective at suppressing my feelings. When unprocessed and unacknowledged, they would resurface unproductively in my life.
This program forced some introspection that I had never done before. Also, the tactical tools I incorporated into my life have been invaluable.”
~Anna Schultz, Wealth Advisor & Mama of 2
“I am finding the weekly course work beneficial and am trusting the process. Overall things are going really well. My work/life balance feels very promising with my new job. I have a lot more satisfaction and confidence in my future.
I’m humbled by the many blessings and am so grateful to be learning and embedding tools to become a more well rounded, patient person. I think I’m growing up and maturing with more patience for myself, others, and the goals I want to achieve.
Also, my sleep and rest has improved tremendously; with that I have more energy and I’m finding a refreshed energy for working out and reading as welcome hobbies instead of chores.
Feels like great progress and I know that I’m in a much better place.”
~2018 Client
“Therapeutic, intellectual, meditative and with a touch of yoga philosophy, Sara’s program is one of the most valuable experiences I’ve had. It’s a gentle journey inward towards self discovery. The greatest benefit I have incurred was learning more about myself: who I am, what my purpose is, and how I can serve.
I leave each session with greater awareness, a general sense of calm, inspired, accomplished for doing something for myself, and relaxed in sweet happiness.
Thank you for the reflection inward and opening my eyes.”
~Michelle Stephens, Nonprofit Founder & Mama of 1


Beyond all that we’ve already discussed, by joining the Mindful Balanced Life Program, you’ll also get:
- My Suggested Reading List (the books that have most significantly impacted my own personal journey)
- Daily Meditation Practice Success Guide
- 7 Guided Meditations
- Alumni Discounts to Joy Discovered Events and Programs
- Special Pricing on 1:1 Private Coaching Upgrades
- Vouchers to gift your friends
- And seeing your smiling face shining back at you in the mirror!

How To Join The Program:
Step 1: Book your free Coaching Consult with me to start the conversation.
Step 2: After scheduling your Coaching Consult you’ll be asked to fill out the Program Application to ensure you are a right fit for the program. This program is an intimate, VIP experience so I will only work with women who are committed to their transformation.
Step 3: If we both agree we’re a fit for each other, we’ll process your deposit payment and sign a Client/Coach Agreement.
Step 4: Upon signing and paying for the program, you’ll receive your Welcome Packet, membership site credentials, and be on your way to balance and bliss!
What Makes This Program Unique?
My expertise integrates Western psychology and Eastern philosophy, which means you’ll be able to rapidly achieve your personal, professional, and relationship goals without years of struggle or therapy.
I also know from being a yoga teacher that everyone is capable of so much more than we believe is possible for ourselves. Which is why I push my yoga students and have a reputation of being a teacher who “kicks our ass in a gentle way so we keep coming back!”
I do the same for my coaching clients. I will fight for you. You, of course, are the only one in charge of how far you are willing to go, and YOU must do the work, but I will NOT let you waste this precious time we have together. I’m committed to your success and can’t wait to see you shine and soar!
“Sara is an excellent and patient life coach. You can tell she is living her best life, which inspires you to do the hard work so that you can live yours.”
~Sara Gee, Realtor & Mama of 1
My Promise To You:
Will you show up and do the work with an open heart and mind? Will you ask me your questions, tell me when you’re stuck or in resistance? Will you allow me to do my job as your coach? If you answered yes to these questions, then you will transform to joy, balance, and freedom.

Balance And Joy Are Within Your Reach If You:
- Are 100% committed to finally making this change so you can show up powerfully in all the important areas of your life.
- Are coachable and open to feedback. My greatest coaches have been a mirror for me. And while it sometimes sucks to take in what I see reflected back, these reflections have led to my greatest transformations and growth.
- Are an action taker. We can sit around all day long dreaming about a better life, but if we don’t take action when the teacher, the plan, and the steps present themselves, nothing will ever change.
- Are willing to invest in yourself. At first, it was hard for me to pay thousands of dollars for therapy and life coaching when my marriage was hanging by a thread. But the alternate path of divorce would have been harder and cost so much more than the investment we made. I am continually investing in my growth because the experiences are priceless and make my life oh-so-juicy good!
- Are open, curious, and willing to wholeheartedly take on this program. Because it works. I will take you step-by-step through the 16-week process so you’ll be set up to succeed. Through our time together, we’ll build a trusting coach/client relationship that will support your journey.
Admit That You’re Just Not Ready Yet If You:
- Are not willing to prioritize and invest in yourself. You cannot give fully to others if you cannot commit to also give to yourself. You don’t need to know “how” yet, you just need to be willing.
- Want to blame others. The easy path is to sit in blame, blaming the way your spouse was raised, your parents, society, your hardships, or unique situation. But blame will keep you stuck. You must be willing to take ownership for yourself.
- Are hoping for a quick fix. This program takes only an hour or two on average per week but it is not a “quick fix.” You need to do the work and continue to practice what you learn.
The Cost Of Doing Nothing…
What will it really cost you to walk away from this A-to-Z action plan and support structure to shift your life?
What will you miss out on? How much will you end up spending on medical bills, attorney fees, or teen therapy? What precious moments will you miss or work promotions will pass you by?
Can you actually put a specific number on the cost of your life looking the exact same way it does today in 1, 5, or 10++ years from now?
Because if you don’t decide to change things right now, if you keep doing life the way you always have, you will continue to get the exact same results…
Or, you can choose YOU – a priceless investment. An investment in your family, your marriage, and your career. Imagine the ROI of your health and happiness!
Have Questions? I’ve Got Answers!
Is this program for me?
This program is for any woman who desires to own her inner strength and create lasting balance and joy. You don’t even need to be a career mom, though most of my clients are.
Your journey will be uniquely yours. Once you do this inner work, you’ll experience success, mindfulness, and flow in all the areas of your life.
My To Do List is already so long. How can I add this program to it?
This program was built with the busy working mom in mind! So it comes in small digestible chunks of information and homework each week. Most of my clients spend about 1.5 – 2 hours per week on the program. Early in the program we’ll discuss ways to fit things you value into your full schedule.
And to be frank, I don’t buy the “no time” excuse. The average American spends 2 hours A DAY on social media. We all have 24 hours in a day; how we choose to spend our hours is what we need to look at. If you are stuck in this excuse, ask what is really holding you back, then let’s you and I talk about THAT!
What tools do you teach in the program?
You don’t need more tools. There are tools for free all over the internet. You need a proven method, so you can follow the roadmap of others who have already achieved the success you desire. And so you don’t waste precious time throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping one of the tools your therapist suggests or an online course teaches you about will change your life. In this program you’ll get a new way of being.
When are the coaching calls?
Group coaching calls are generally week-day afternoons with times altering to fit different time zones and schedules. Dates/times will be posted a month prior so you can block your schedule. Many of my clients take the coaching calls as their “lunch break” in a private office or their car. All calls are recorded and housed on the member site for you to view if you miss one.
You will schedule our private calls around your availability via my simple online scheduling system.
How do the group coaching calls work?
Coaching calls are done on Zoom video conferencing, a simple technology you can launch from your computer or mobile device. Questions submitted beforehand are given preference, and are answered in the order they are received.
Do you offer a guarantee?
If you show up and do the work, I guarantee you will change.
I stand behind this program 100% so offer a RISK-FREE GUARANTEE: If you don’t love the program, email within 30 days of your start date for a full refund, no questions asked.
I’m in! What types of payment do you take?
All major credit cards. Payment plans are available.
Customer Service
Need help? Got more questions? I’m just an email away at