One Of The Most Meaningful, Easiest, Low-Cost Gifts You’ll Ever Give A Loved One

I want to share with you an idea for a ๐ŸŽ„holidayโ˜ƒ๏ธ gift for someone you love. This gift will be one of the most meaningful, easiest, low-cost gifts you’ve ever given. ๐Ÿ’“AND it will improve your relationship with the gift-getter and your overall well-being as you put it together!

๐ŸŽ…Here’s what to do:

1.  Get a small journal or some pretty stationary.

2.  At the beginning or end of every day, write one thing you appreciate about this person. Look back at the day and identify something they did that you are grateful for, how they made you feel loved or supported, what you love about them. Even something as simple as how their smile makes your children light up. Just one thing – it doesn’t even have to be an entire sentence. (How easy is that?!)

3.  Start today! Do this every day until your December holiday hits. Wrap it up and give it to them!

That’s it! ๐ŸŽ By doing this act you’ll feel great because gratitude always raises our feel-good emotional state. And you will begin to notice more and more good things about your loved one. Remember, what we appreciate appreciates. Your noting your loved one’s good qualities and actions will bring more focus to them, and, as per the law that governs this universe, what we focus on expands!

I once had a client who was considering leaving her husband when she started working with me. She felt there wasn’t any true love in their relationship any more. I had her do this exercise for just one month (as well as some personal inner growth work) and it’s like their love was fertilized and blossomed into something extraordinary.๐Ÿ’ฅ

We all deserve extraordinary love and an extraordinary life. Here’s a chance for you to make it happen.

With a focus on love,


Sara Mueller

Success Coach helping ambitious women create balance and purpose while strengthening their parenting, relationships, and career.

P.S. If you want to do more for your relationships than this one exercise and want to explore conscious relationship coaching, book a free exploratory call with me to learn if we’re a fit to work together. ๐Ÿ˜

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