Can you relate to this trap I fall prey to all the time? I work hard towards my goals but feel like there’s still so much to get done. I receive 99 glowing reviews for a keynote, but only focus on the 1 negative one. I look into the future that seems so far away sometimes, without looking at the past to realize how far I’ve come. Us high achievers are a lot alike. We set goals …
It’s the 1st Monday of the month when I do my monthly Joy Journaling to ensure I’m intentional about creating joy in my life. (Joy definition = the feeling evoked by success, well-being, or good fortune). These are the 5 questions I journal on every month: 1. Focus – where was it? What did I learn? What needs to shift? 2. Stressors – plus how to overcome them 3. 80/20 thinking: What am I continuing …
In my family, being a “good” kid was rewarded. I learned quickly that good kids didn’t question authority – especially religion. Good kids were agreeable and pleasant and didn’t cause conflict. I was to be a good kid and go along with the status quo. My communication was to follow suit. When I became a teenager and rebelled against having to be a good kid for so long, I voiced my opinions with aggression and volume. As soon …
Do you get as excited about spreadsheets, processes, and organization as I do? Chances are about 50/50 that you don’t. As all of the many personality tests will tell us, from DISC to the Enneagram to the time-tested Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator that I remember taking several decades ago in college, we are naturally wired to think and collaborate and use our unique strengths quite differently than others. This is good! Because research shows diversity on our …
I cringe every time I ask for feedback… Even though I know feedback is like gold. …Even though I know getting feedback is one of the best ways to dramatically improve and get better at my work. …Even though I know feedback is a straightforward way to test my self-perceptions and ensure they are accurate with others’ view of me. …Even though I know asking for and receiving feedback is an essential ingredient of emotionally …