In the wake of Hurricane Ian, many leaders came to me and asked, “How can I support my colleagues who lost everything?” Maybe your colleague didn’t go through a natural disaster, but has experienced other hardships like the ending of a relationship or job, the diagnosis of a disease, financial difficulty, or the loss of a loved one. As an emotionally intelligent leader, you know that whatever’s happening in someone’s personal life also affects their …
I LOVE learning and am always enrolled in at least one course or program or working with a coach. 🎉 This month (November 2022), I’m celebrating my completion of the Professional Certificate in Trauma & Resilience from Florida State University!! 🎉 This was such a great complement to my psychology and emotional intelligence (EQ) background. (Resilience is closely tied to the 2nd pillar of EQ: self-management.) We are either growing or we are dying. I know which one …
When we experience adversity in our personal or professional lives, many of us stop doing the things that contribute to our well-being and long-term success. The challenge we face seems to require 100 percent of our energy and attention. And while, initially, you may have to drop everything and attend to the crises at hand, the quicker you get back to doing those things that support your well-being and success, the quicker you’ll bounce back from …
What’s scarier than Kathy Bates with a mallet in Misery? The DELUSION managers have about how well they praise and recognize their employees, who desperately want to feel appreciated. Here’s some data (and it’s just as shocking as a notorious serial killer turning into Chucky in Child’s Play): 💀 A study by Roosevelt University found that 80% of managers believe they frequently express appreciation; however, only 20% of their employees agreed. 😱 Similarly, KRC Research …
In work (and life), adversity is a given. Perhaps our most important responsibility when leading through hardship is to communicate effectively. Here are three crisis communication tips that will move your team and stakeholders toward a positive outcome, growth, and resilience. 1. Address the brutal facts as they become clear. 🔎 Brutal honesty is necessary during any catastrophe. It ensures you maintain trust with your team and stakeholders so you can rally them forward. Be sure …