Training Your Subconscious And The Power Of Thoughts

When I first started teaching yoga, on my drive to class I’d repeat out loud, “I am a kickass yoga teacher. I am a kickass yoga teacher. I am a kickass yoga teacher.” I was new at teaching. It was messy. I was being more vulnerable than I had ever been, and I lacked the experience that builds confidence. I desperately wanted to be loved by my students and to inspire them the same way my …

What Unmet Need Is Causing This Behavior?

Kyen gripped the edge of the Target shopping cart with his little hands like a prisoner clutches the bars of a jail cell. He rocked his body back and forth as if the rocking would bust him out into freedom. At the same time, Maverick crawled underneath the shopping cart and wedged his body into the bottom shelf where I usually place cases of sparkling water. He dragged his feet like a door-stopper, making the …

Four Ways To Increase Resilience At Work

As you know, challenges are a regular part of work (and life). Challenges are especially prevalent in high-performance leadership and in demanding industries like healthcare and service. Resilience is your ability to recover quickly from challenges. Implement these four resilience-building exercises to make sure you – and your team – are thriving. 1. Shift Your Relationship To Failure. See failure for what it is: a necessary step on your path to success. Failure cannot be avoided and the quicker you embrace …

How To Understand Your Emotions (And Why You Need To)

Last week I wrote to you about the necessity of developing a healthier relationship to your feelings in order to have emotional intelligence and high performance in your life. In order to do this, we need to understand that all feelings are neutral. They are not good or bad; they just are. They are part of the human experience. Sure, we often label feelings like joy, happiness, love, and gratitude as “good” feelings. And feelings …

Why You Ignore That Important Feeling Inside You

A part of self-mastery and having the emotional intelligence that is necessary to effectively lead your team, family, and yourself is feeling your feelings. Why is this so important? Well, because our feelings are messengers. They are a communication vehicle to our inner terrain. They help us do more of what makes us feel good, avoid or establish boundaries around what doesn’t, and understand the relationships in our lives. When We Ignore Our Feelings They …