Confidence is a critical trait for a leader. Without it, your team will not follow you or contribute at their highest potential. Without confidence, adversity of any magnitude can derail your team’s progress. Confidence cannot be faked. You either have it or you don’t. None of us is born confident or starts out confident in our skills or leadership abilities. Instead, confidence is something each and every one of us creates. So how do you …
My whole life people have described me as strong. In my early career, with an aspiration for success, I emulated the strength of those in top business positions who were mostly male. The masculine style of leadership that dominated our culture until this century was more about using managerial power over others to get them to do what they wanted (“Do it because I’m the boss and I say so.”), rather than connecting to a …
While delivering my first son, I experienced a 4th-degree tear. I was stitched up and “recovered,” but no longer have full control of what happens down there. I get by keeping an extra pair of underwear in my glove compartment and washing a lot of laundry… Probably TMI, but there’s an important point to this story I want to make: A lot of moms like me have body parts that don’t work or look the …
As anyone who has studied business management and success knows, what gets measured, gets managed. Or, what gets measured, gets improved. It’s no different for the most important relationship in your life: your marriage. If you have a partner who is doing their own inner growth work and is willing to contribute to a more satisfying marriage, I want to introduce you to the Harmony Huddle. This is a weekly marriage meeting and love check-in. …
Happy New Year! My latest article in Brainz Magazine just dropped: 4 Reasons Your Leaders Have Plateaued, Plus What You Can Do About It. You’ve done the hard work of assembling a leadership team of A-players. You’re setting stretch goals, measuring what matters, and compensating your team well. And while your organization is successful, the bolder, grander vision you have for it keeps falling short. You know you need your leaders to push …