How To Live A Life I Love (2 Ways To Uncover My Purpose)

Are you living a life you love? Have you uncovered your purpose? The path to answering “YES!” to each of these questions is the same, and it’s outlined in my latest YouTube video. It involves these two critical choices you must make: #1 Choose to be 100% responsible for the outcomes of your life. No blaming circumstances. No blaming others. No excuses. 100% responsibility for the outcomes of your life. #2 Know that whatever pain …

How To Cope When You Feel Stuck

We all feel stuck from time to time, unsure how to move forward, and like we’re not making any progress on goals that are important to us. But you don’t have to stay in that uncomfortable feeling any longer! On my latest YouTube video I share four specific ways that you can take action right away to stop feeling stuck and start moving toward the life you desire. I discuss: The first necessary mindset shift …

What Will Help You Feel Less Overwhelmed Right Now

Do you freeze when you look at your schedule or to-do list for the day or week? Do you find yourself up at night thinking about all you have to do when you should be getting sleep? Do you feel overwhelmed on a regular basis? Then my latest YouTube video is for you! On it, I share 5 ways to help you feel less overwhelmed so you can alleviate worry, be productive, and enjoy your …

Move Beyond Fear To Make Lasting Change

We can’t achieve a business or personal goal with the same knowledge, skills, or mindset that we currently have. Instead, we have to GROW into our goals — that means we must change. While change is necessary and inevitable, most of us (and our teams) fear it and that fear holds us back from making lasting change that will significantly up-level our lives and businesses. There are 3 main fears or concerns we have about …

How To Schedule Your Day For Success

Why is it that some executives are productive and successful at work, spend quality time with their children, enjoy dinners or date nights with their partners, and even have ample time for exercise, girls’ nights out, and sleep… While so many others don’t? Those with a high performance, productive, meaningful life know how to schedule their day for success, to get the most out of the 24 hours that each and everyone of us is …