I was sitting around a table with about 20 other women small business owners earlier this week and was deeply disturbed by some of the things I heard. I know that 90% of all startups fail overall and 50% of all small businesses fail within 5 years. These are hard numbers to keep those of us with the entrepreneurial spirit motivated! And I want those women – ALL women who take the risk of making …
My boys were decorating my office last week. Kyen hung up his freshly painted artwork, while Maverick wrote some wobbly, still-figuring-out-letters, first-grade handwriting notes on my white board. Here’s what they said: Think good. Be you. Be great. You rock. Hope. Love. I’ve been fine-tuning my messaging since I started coaching and writing many years ago, but I think Mav summed up the most important lessons on joy and success right there on my whiteboard. …
About six months ago I realized its lonely over here in small-business entrepreneurship land. I was building an amazing team, but missed badass businesswomen I could brainstorm and connect with on the regular, like I used to before COVID when I was frequently attending coaching trainings and events. Recognizing this void, I started writing “I have an amazing network that skyrockets me” in my goals journal every week. Hopefully you remember that if you …
Being a present parent isn’t about the amount of time you spend with your children. It’s about the quality of the time you spend with them. A lot of us are physically present with our children – we are in the same room or car as them – but we are not mentally or emotionally present. We might be scrolling social media or incessantly checking our email, in our thoughts about a work problem or …
I finished drafting the last chapter of my book yesterday! I peeked at my calendar to see when I got serious about my commitment to writing it, and it was in June of 2020 — just 10 months ago. There are still many stages left of getting my book published and into your hands, but the first major, perhaps hardest, part is done! Last June I committed to writing a short amount every day. I …