I created a fun new habit I want to share with you. It helps me slow down and be present. It helps me savor special moments. (Savoring is a high-impact way of practicing gratitude.) It helps me create memories, which improves feelings of contentment. It helps me enjoy life more. It’s something I call snapshots. When my little boys who aren’t so little any more are wrapped up tight in a brotherly embrace, I take …
Sometimes we think it’s easier to put other’s needs or schedules ahead of our own and adapt to make them happy or keep the peace. While in the moment it might seem easier than speaking our truth or honoring our authentic desires, in the long-term it’s harder. Here’s why: #1 When we ignore our truth and don’t express our feelings to others, resentment builds within us. Resentment leads to bitterness in general, and eats away …
I was sitting around a table with about 20 other women small business owners earlier this week and was deeply disturbed by some of the things I heard. I know that 90% of all startups fail overall and 50% of all small businesses fail within 5 years. These are hard numbers to keep those of us with the entrepreneurial spirit motivated! And I want those women – ALL women who take the risk of making …
My boys were decorating my office last week. Kyen hung up his freshly painted artwork, while Maverick wrote some wobbly, still-figuring-out-letters, first-grade handwriting notes on my white board. Here’s what they said: Think good. Be you. Be great. You rock. Hope. Love. I’ve been fine-tuning my messaging since I started coaching and writing many years ago, but I think Mav summed up the most important lessons on joy and success right there on my whiteboard. …
About six months ago I realized its lonely over here in small-business entrepreneurship land. I was building an amazing team, but missed badass businesswomen I could brainstorm and connect with on the regular, like I used to before COVID when I was frequently attending coaching trainings and events. Recognizing this void, I started writing “I have an amazing network that skyrockets me” in my goals journal every week. Hopefully you remember that if you …