Sneaky Limitations Blocking Your Abundance – Part 1

Part of my personal development and entrepreneurial journey over the last decade has been to move from a lack mindset into one of abundance. And to open up my entire life – personally and financially – to more prosperity. My abundance beliefs and money story healing is the focus of the chapter of my forthcoming book that I finished drafting last month.  As we’re quickly making our way into the New Year, I thought it …

How To Align Your Body, Mind & Spirit For The New Year

The first week of the New Year has always been a bit of a challenge for me. I’m psyched up for carrying out the strategic plan I built for my personal and professional life in early December, but my body, mind, and spirit are not quite on board yet!  My body is trying to return to normal after a month of indulging in Christmas cookies for lunch and traditional, low-nutrition – but oh, so tasty! …

Why I Have Hope For 2021 & Honor 2020

No doubt, 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. Beyond the pandemic, the vitriolic presidential campaign on both sides, and the social unrest, my family and I went through a private matter that just may have been one of the hardest months of my life. The key word here, though, is through. My family went THROUGH a challenge and came out on the other side a stronger, more aligned, more in love family than …

Emotional Balance For You + Your Children

Expressing our feelings is a key contributor to our (and our children’s) emotional, mental – even physical – health. If we don’t express our feelings, they tend to come out sideways later (sometimes decades later) in the form or resentment, rage, or disease. As one of my former clients said, “As an overachiever, I’d become really effective at suppressing my feelings. When unprocessed and unacknowledged, they would resurface unproductively in my life. One of the …

Why Exercise Is Not A Substitution For Meditation

Exercise is, of course, essential for your health. And if you want to generate high performance results in your life, research shows you should take part in some form of exercise that you enjoy nearly every day. But exercise is not a substitute for meditation. Sure, you may feel similar after both exercising and meditating. Exercise helps close the stress response cycle, it stimulates feel-good hormones such as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, and it gives …