Emotional Balance For You + Your Children

Expressing our feelings is a key contributor to our (and our children’s) emotional, mental – even physical – health. If we don’t express our feelings, they tend to come out sideways later (sometimes decades later) in the form or resentment, rage, or disease. As one of my former clients said, “As an overachiever, I’d become really effective at suppressing my feelings. When unprocessed and unacknowledged, they would resurface unproductively in my life. One of the …

Why Exercise Is Not A Substitution For Meditation

Exercise is, of course, essential for your health. And if you want to generate high performance results in your life, research shows you should take part in some form of exercise that you enjoy nearly every day. But exercise is not a substitute for meditation. Sure, you may feel similar after both exercising and meditating. Exercise helps close the stress response cycle, it stimulates feel-good hormones such as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, and it gives …

The Role Of Sex In Your Relationship & Spiritual Evolution

“You’re happier and nicer to me when we have sex,” I said to my husband this morning over coffee, a few minutes before we got our boys up for school. “What?!” he asked, starting to get defensive. “It’s not an accusation,” I replied neutrally. “It’s just an observation.” His energy softened. “Your love language is physical touch, then words of affirmation,” I said. “When there’s less sex going on between us, you and I are …

STOP Giving Your Power Away + We Aren’t As Divided As It Seems 💖

Some perspective I shared on social media this week that’s important for all of us to remember, especially now, because I love ya: STOP GIVING YOUR POWER AWAY: Remember that we (thankfully) live in a democratic nation with checks and balances. The president’s power is an illusion. No one person has full control over our country or you. If you’re waiting for Trump or Biden or anyone else to fly in and save you, you …

Your “Superpower”​ That’s Lowering Your IQ 10 Points – Stop This!

You know that fried feeling in your brain at the end of a busy day?  That mentally exhausted, hard-to-focus, hard-to-transition-out-of-work-into-your-evening-roles feeling? That feeling like you’ve been smoking weed all day or just woke up from a first-night-of-vacation hangover? That feeling is from multitasking. Multitasking, or the constant switching from one task to the other, lowers your IQ by 10 points! (Comparatively, actually toking ganja lowers your IQ by only 5 points!) So, as the University …