One of my teachers recently asked our community to look at the reality we are creating for our world with our daydreams. (Our daydreams are the 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts that run through our minds each day.) When I looked at the world I was creating through some of my daydreams, it scared me. It was horror movie and war drama kind of stuff that I don’t even want to think or write about any …
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” The first time I heard this saying I scribbled it on my white board, typed it into my Notes app, and saved it in my Favorite Quotes base on Airtable. (No one has ever called me disorganized lol!) I couldn’t get this saying off my mind. For much of my life, I did all the things that came my way because I am a strong, efficient high …
So many of us are still talking about how to survive the uncertainty of this pandemic, but here’s the thing: While the circumstances of the coronavirus lockdown (even with them starting to be lifted) are different from our old “normal,” the reality of life is still the same. This reality is that certainty is an illusion. We’ve never had certainty in life and never will have it. Before coronavirus, no one’s health, no one’s job, no one’s …
Two weeks ago, I hit quarantine rock bottom. Tweezing out the gravel in my stinging wounds, I assessed how I had gotten here, and how I could get back up again. Overnight I had become a stay-at-home mom with the closing of kindergarten and our decision to keep our youngest home from day care/preschool. I continued serving my current contracted coaching clients, but put all other business projects on hold to free up time to …
While self-care has always been essential, perhaps it’s more important now that we are dealing with a collective worldwide trauma and lots of up-and-down emotions. Our options for self-care are limited now that we must stay home, so I’ve outlined 14 ways you can fill your cup without spending money, taking a lot of time, or leaving your house. Since most women struggled with creating time and giving themselves permission for self-care before Covid-19, it’s …