We Don’t Need To Be Like Men To Rise To The Top

Most of us have moved on from the Shakira and J. Lo Super Bowl halftime show that caused such an uproar on social media. But women empowerment must be a conversation we have regularly, as there’s still a lot of work to be done. So here’s how I responded to someone on Facebook in regard to their halftime show, women empowerment, wisdom, women being portrayed like whores, and judgment: “Women empowerment is about women owning …

1 Common Way We Self-Sabotage + How To Stop It

As human beings, we tend to self-sabotage regularly. We get in OUR own way of achieving our goals, our dreams, our success. Understanding how we regularly self-sabotage is a critical first step in eliminating this destructive behavior. Let’s look at one of the most common self-sabotage strategies I see in my coaching practice: Treating The Surface Layer Problem (Or Symptom) Rather Than The Root Of The Problem. We have a backache so we take an …

4 Ways Social Media Can Support – Rather Than Undermine – Your Life

A 2019 Statistica Report shared that Americans on average spend 1 hour and 57 minutes on social media every day! That’s a big chunk of time. And while cutting down on social scrolling is ideal because it will free up two hours of time and energy for your real life, I recognize that there are benefits to social media. You’ll experience social media’s benefits — rather than its detriments — if you have the appropriate …

You Do Not Need To Be Fixed

You are not broken. You do not need to be fixed. You are whole and complete just as you are, right here right now. This is how I approach all of my clients. It’s the foundational belief for all of my coaching… because it’s the truth. We were born into this world whole, perfect, divine. As children, we expressed our uniqueness, we owned our beauty, we played with all kids, and we danced like no …

How I Maintain A Household While Working Full-Time

One of the women in a Moms Group I’m part of asked us to share how we maintain a household while working full-time, and how we get our kids and partners in on the initiative. Since several people found my response helpful, I want to share it with you: “I have a housekeeper that cleans our house every week and does all our laundry. This is priceless. I know what my time is worth and …