I believe drama is our #1 most unnecessary time and energy suck. In order to eliminate drama, it’s important to understand your role in its creation. Because when you do, you can choose to step into a more empowering role and change the dynamics of your situation. Let’s look at a tool used for psychotherapy that Dr. Stephen Karpman coined as the Drama Triangle in 1968. Imagine the shape of a triangle pointing down (as …
I love learning how my mentors and other high performers have the energy and zest to rock out family, career, and personal goals, while feeling great and having fun. Below you’ll find my daily/weekly/monthly wellness routine, consistent practices I carry out to feel good. Hopefully one of these will resonate with and inspire you! Daily: 10-minute morning mantra meditation followed by reading my daily affirmation (that I update whenever shifts in my life need to …
My family and I are on vacation now in Banff National Park. I laughed with my husband yesterday realizing that our time together has teeter tottered on the edge of bliss, catching sweet moments of heartfelt gestures between our boys and making fun memories that will forever be imprinted on our brains… With the other edge of curse-word frustration from overdrawn patience, too many fights to break up, and yet another meltdown or I’m-glad-no-one-knows-us public …
This September I will be studying with Dr. Shefali Tsabury for five months working towards my Conscious Parenting Method (CPM) certification from her Conscious Coaching Institute. Last month I received the news that I was accepted into her program and wanted to share with you! Dr. Shefali is one of my favorite parenting experts and wisdom teachers. Two of her books, The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family, have greatly shaped the way I parent …
One of my business coaches sent me an email similar to this post a couple months ago and it changed my life. Well, that’s a bit dramatic! But it DID bring about a welcome shift, so I wanted to share this good news with you, too! I love having something new to wear. But I don’t like spending a lot of money on clothes. I don’t like spending my time shopping. And I want to …