Will EQ Make Me A “Soft” Leader Or Lower My Team’s Performance?

Will emotional intelligence make me a “soft” leader or lower my team’s delivery of excellence? Heck to the NO! This is a common concern I get from leadership coaching clients I work with. They think if they change their ways, are less authoritative, and more human-focused, performance will suffer. But the opposite is true. Since Daniel Goleman coined the term emotional intelligence (EQ) in 1995, it has been extensively studied by Harvard, Yale, Learning in …

Want to Feel Supported? Here’s What I Learned

“To be done right, I have to do it myself.” “Why is this happening to me?” “I’m gonna have to figure this out myself.” “I’m not supported.” Have you ever felt any of these ways?  These are common patterns I have to disrupt in my mind on a regular basis. These beliefs are false, but ones that I bought into at a very young age as I was trying to make sense of the world …

If You Can, You Must…

I had two friends pass away last month, within one week of each other. Both were young (45 and 50 years old) and both were incredible women who made such a bright impact on the world in their too-short lives. When something like this happens, it makes me think a lot about my life, how I’m spending my time, who I’m spending it with, and whether or not my God-given gifts and talents are being …

The Financial Impact of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) on Leadership

One of the most common questions I get after delivering a keynote on emotional intelligence (EQ) to mid-level managers is: “How do I get my senior leaders to recognize the importance of EQ?” This tells me that this human-centered approach to leadership is not often embraced by senior leaders — even though we now have decades of data that shows that EQ results in high-performing teams and an elevated service experience. It’s a shame EQ is not …

Facing the Truth: The First Step to Real Change

A foundation of how I live my life and the work I do, whether I’m facilitating an EQ leadership training or coaching high-performing executives, is Radical Responsibility. Radical Responsibility is eliminating any blame or excuses and recognizing that you are fully responsible for all the outcomes in your life. Your joy and success are not determined by who is elected this November, where you grew up, who your parents are, the industry you’re in, or …