Do This Once A Year To Revive Your Partnership

One of the couples climbing the Gros Piton with us in St. Lucia is also celebrating their 10-year anniversary, like my husband and I are. As we hoist our tired muscles up and over rocks and natural mountain-made stairs, our guide (who is younger than all of us by a decade or so) asks us what the secret is to making it through 10 years of marriage. The four of us chuckle and reply, “Hard …

Worth Your Time: Growth, Heart & Soul Netflix Suggestions

Netflix has done a great job at defining and solving for its customers’ needs. (Do you remember Blockbuster, late fees, or driving through the rain on Friday night to rent a movie?) And they know, much like Amazon and Uber, that to maintain their leadership in the industry, they must keep evolving to make their customers happy. I am one of their happy customers. My family and I have watched Netflix for years, but their …

Mother’s Day Musings From 30,000 Feet…

To all the mamas out there: You’ve done the ultimate sacrifice. You’ve given your body and your life to another human being. I know it makes you proud and happy beyond words. I know it’s challenging beyond words at times, too. Your job is the most important job in the world. How you show up for your children will change this planet. It will change our businesses, our communities, and our countries. One child at …

Boost Your Work Performance And Abundance Mindset + More!

1) 5 Mindful Ways To Boost Performance, Reduce Stress, And Feel Good Every Day I was thrilled to be invited to relate my expertise of mindfulness and joyful living to the corporate world and train a bunch of meditation-skeptic New Yorkers to be more successful in their careers. Review my performance-enhancing presentation slides here! 2) Money Mindset For Financial Abundance My incredible assistant Lucy McKee put together these 6 key takeaways from a roundtable discussion …

How I Found The Time To Read 43 Books Last Year

I read 43 nonfiction books, completed 3 online courses, and was part of a year-long mentorship coaching program in 2018, one of the fullest years of my life. (Note: I choose to say “full” instead of “busy,” because that’s what my life is… full of fantastic things I choose to spend my time on.) Why do I want to share this with you? Because I want you to stop saying you don’t have time, or …