Soaking It All In

That time when my almost 4 year old doesn’t need me after bath time for the first time. He wants to play in his fort by himself. Littlest one is sleeping. I sit down, amazed I have a full hour to myself before we both go to bed (yes he goes to bed late – he doesn’t seem to need as much sleep). I stare at nothing, wondering how this could have happened already, how …

The Joy Discovered Playlist On Spotify

Feel-good tracks with heart-warming inspiration. My favorite songs that make me smile, appreciate the beauty in life, shake my booty, and challenge me to stand in my strength. Put this playlist on shuffle when you need an extra dose of joy in your day! Click below to listen! …

Three Excuses That Keep Us From Joyful, Powerful Living

I hear a multitude of reasons and beliefs from people that hold us back from living joyful, powerful lives. They are all excuses, and I’ve had my own from time to time. Some have been ingrained in us since we were children. Others developed from exposure to limiting and ego-driven thinking as we moved through life. All of them, however, can be demolished. The first step to stopping excuses from limiting your life is to …

Maria Wessman-Conroy Profile: Give Generously. Clear Your Brain Space. Have The Hard, Loving Conversations.

Meet Maria Wessman-Conroy, 31. Maria has a compassionate, accepting heart and a genuine desire to give. I am blessed to have her in my life as my sister-in-law, the wife of my youngest brother, Tyler. Maria’s the mother of Cecelia, who we call Cece, an almost two-year-old, and a kitty named Chance. In this Real Women Real Strength profile, Maria talks to us about the great need to give to others, but how it’s just …

Choosing Integrity (Even When It’s The Difficult Path)

Integrity. This is my new word. It’s the latest commitment I’ve made to myself about who I am and how I want to be in all of the areas of my life. I even wrote about it on the floor of Debi Grilo’s popup yoga studio as we were breaking in the new Practice Yoga Naples space: “I practice… integrity, play, gratitude.” What does integrity mean to me? It means being and acting in alignment …