A daily mediation practice is essential to living a balanced life that you love! Here’s a step-by-step 10-minute morning meditation guide to set you up for success! 1. Set your alarm clock to get up 15 minutes earlier. (Meditating will make you more focused and productive throughout the day. You will gain these minutes back with more joyful time later.) Meditating first thing in the morning ensures nothing later in your day will get in …
I believe in staying in a regular state of inquiry, continually examining all the areas of my life as I change and grow. I ask myself: Am I making decisions based on what I value or because of some external pressure or influence? Are the thoughts that I have about something really true, and can I create space around them to let go of rigidity? Am I living my life with no regrets? Earlier this …
I am a personal development junkie. I never went to grad school but love learning and spend much of my free time reading self-help books and attending life enhancing, transformational workshops, both in person and online. Through my latest personal development work I was asked to get intimate with my money story and curious about how it’s been affecting my life. What Contributed To My Lack (Not Abundance) Mindset When I was in middle school …
1. Putting medicine in a glass of chocolate milk with a spoonful of sugar (thank you Mary Poppins) is way easier than chasing my three-year-old around the house for 30 minutes or trying to reason with him why he needs to take it. 2. Halloween candy should always be kept in the house for emergency bribing situations. 3. Baths somehow calm everyone down and change the energy dynamic instantly. 4. Pirate’s Booty and Mama snuggles …
Jennifer Beach, 38, is a mom of two girls, Alaina and Rianna, ages 8 and 11, and earlier this year married Jeremy, her new husband. As a quality and process improvement director for a Fortune 500 healthcare company, she loves her job and explains how you can too. She shares with us how she prioritizes her time to achieve a healthy work/life balance and how she relies on others to be a successful working mom …