Jennifer Beach Profile: Align Your Values. Allow Your Experiences To Mold You. Rely On Others.

Jennifer Beach, 38, is a mom of two girls, Alaina and Rianna, ages 8 and 11, and earlier this year married Jeremy, her new husband. As a quality and process improvement director for a Fortune 500 healthcare company, she loves her job and explains how you can too. She shares with us how she prioritizes her time to achieve a healthy work/life balance and how she relies on others to be a successful working mom …

Discovering Joy In The Eye Of Irma

Tomorrow morning Mike will go to our house to assess the aftermath of Irma. We could have blown out windows and water damage, a ripped through lanais, or just a few branches and trees down (which is what it sounds like from our neighbors that stayed could be the only case – thanks be to God). But it doesn’t matter. About half way through the storm, when the eye was 20 miles from my house, …

Stacy Bick Profile: Personal Space. Acceptance. Inspiration.

Meet Stacy Bick, 41 years old, the director of brand management for a global marketing and advertising agency and mother of 2 girls, ages 6 and 2. She’s the reason I established a habit of getting up at 5:15am most mornings to meditate and write. She’s who I go to when I need encouragement and real conversation. In fact, you’ll see that she pulled away all masks and hiding for this interview to show up …

8 Simple Ways To Instantly Bring More Joy To Your Life

Whether your mood is overall happy right now or you are in a big rut, there is likely room for more joy and satisfaction in your life. Take a minute now to pause and check in. Below are a few of my go-to checkpoints when I am feeling dull. Try these on today, or add each in one day at a time. You’ll notice a shift in your life instantly. Perform a random act of …

Nine Messy Experiences That Opened My Heart And Mind

For this blog, I’ve promised to help you uncover more joy in your life, but I’ve also promised to be real with you. To be real means looking at the messy pieces of our lives that are a natural part of being a human being, then choosing the path to joy through the mess. As I sit down at my computer this week, I can’t think of anything else but Charlottesville. I see white male …