We all have a part of ourselves that is brave and enjoys trying new things. And a part of ourselves that fears uncertainty and would rather not be vulnerable and expose ourselves to embarrassment or humiliation or boredom or just the uncomfortableness that is required to do something new – even if it’s fun or would enhance our career! Which part should we listen to? As a joy seeker who wants to squeeze out as …
I was a master pretender, a super slick chameleon. I got straight As and graduated in the top 5% of my high school class with a 4.4 GPA, went to state for speech, mock trial, and softball, got confirmed Catholic, made good tip money working part-time as a server, and was chosen as Student Of The Month my senior year. Little did most people know that in high school I was stoned nearly all the …
Effective decision-making is vital for impactful leadership and a joyful, purposeful life. (And let’s face it, you might already be feeling decision fatigue!) So, how can we make the best decisions for ourselves and our teams while expending as little energy as possible? I’ve got the perfect tool for you! After decades of studying emotional intelligence and mastering self-mastery, I’ve gathered the best decision-making strategies. I use these regularly and share them with my executive …
You’re constantly pouring into others – your team, your family, your members, clients, customers, your friends, our community. You’re always filling someone else’s cup. But who is pouring into you? Your ability to perform and please others has gotten you here. But what is this “here” place you’ve arrived at? Is it joy? Is it meaning? Is it peace and freedom? If you’re like me and a lot of the clients I work with, your …
To lead with impact and live in alignment with purpose and joy, you need to have tough-love conversations on the regular. Whether it’s holding a staff member accountable or setting a boundary with your mother-in-law, I call these conversations “tough-LOVE” because we want the person on the receiving end to feel loved, valued, and respected… even if we don’t love the behavior that we’re addressing. I do deeper into communication methodologies for many different situations …