I’m a joy seeker – when I remember to slow down and love this life, that is! I get excited about adventures big and small and look for the magic that’s in everyday moments. And, of course, I named my EQ training and coaching business, Joy Discovered. Why joy? The definition of joy is “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune.” I think it’s safe to say this is something you and I …
I kept catching my 7-year-old swearing. I can’t blame him – my husband and I have potty mouths and don’t usually filter the way we speak or what we talk about in front of our boys. And as you know, our teams (whether at work or home) will do what we DO rather than do what we SAY. Still, it’s not ok with me that my 7-year-old swears. “But Mama, when I get frustrated, it feels SO GOOD …
What we consume impacts who we become and the choices we make. We either have what I call a “Murky Mindset” that adds negativity to our life or a “Success Mindset” that sets us up to thrive as leaders at work + home. Since I’m an information junkie who geeks out on all things emotional intelligence, leadership, and personal development, I share what I’m loving with you each month in our EQ Explorations Newsletter. Enjoy, and …
In honor of Mother’s Day this past Sunday, I wanted to share 6 surprising – and powerful – emotional intelligence leadership lessons I’ve learned being a mom. Can you relate to any of these? 1) Fear and shaming might garner compliance in the short term, but leads to apathy or power struggles in the long term. 2) When my child triggers me, it’s an arrow towards work I still need to do for my inner world. …
Have you ever walked into the office and felt a tense undercurrent in the air? Gossip, those whispered conversations, speculative rumors, or complaints about others, can be the culprit behind a strained company culture. While it might seem harmless, gossip can erode trust, damage morale, and ultimately hinder productivity. Here are three ways to shut down gossip in your organization and create a more open and collaborative work environment: What other strategies do you use …