What if I told you there was one question you could ask that nearly guarantees the achievement of your 2024 goals? This question helped me surpass a huge goal I had for my business in 2023. I set out to double the number of speaking engagements I delivered in 2022, to go from 15 per year to 30 per year. And that I did. I’m thrilled to share that I just finished delivering my 36th …
I received this Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) message from a reader recently: “What do you do when you are in need of empathy? My husband and I had a miscarriage recently and it is hard to talk about, especially with my team. I find myself getting frustrated when they are in a spat about something that seems minor compared to what I’m trying to work through. It is unfair to them for me to feel this way, but I can’t always …
In the hustle and bustle of ordering groceries, cooking, baking, conversing with family and friends, and breaking up fights between these 2, it was easy for the intention of this holiday – gratitude – to get lost (even though gratitude is a regular daily practice of ours). So I’m taking a moment to put what I call the 3 Ss of Gratitude into place. These 3 Ss give us a bigger bang for our thankfulness …
I felt pretty good about myself – slightly cocky, even – until I heard my husband explaining my reaction to the way the dishwasher was loaded to our couple’s therapist. With a sheepish smile, I sank lower in my chair. If I were a blusher, my cheeks would have turned as pink as my Kate Spade reading glasses. Having another person witness my behavior, even through story, brought more awareness to my reactions – and …
The Reality: Long gone are the days of 20th century leadership that was coercive, top-down, authoritative, and militaristic. Long gone is the loyal-for-the-long-term workforce that sucked it up when things got tough, worked hard long hours without complaint, and were happy just getting a paycheck every two weeks. With more gender and cultural diversity in the workplace than ever before and multiple generations represented, more employees are motivated by: The Data: In 2021, Gallup found that only …