Resolutions Don’t Work. Here’s What Does.

“New Year, New You!” 🤮 If I hear this again I may actually barf a little. 🤢

Just because the year changes, it doesn’t mean we will.

Most of us want to change, but, when it comes down to it, we don’t want to do the work that is required for change. We realize that the work can be hard or messy and that it takes us out of our comfort zone.

So only when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change, will we actually change. We’d rather sit in the pain we know, as uncomfortable as it is, because at least we know how to deal with it. The unknown scares most of us into stagnation.

Having learned this, I stopped using the new year to initiate change and instead started seeking areas for growth or learning as they arise throughout the year. I embrace them whenever they come towards me because, as a coach, the more I work on myself, the more I have to share with my clients. And mostly, I’ve tasted consciousness and the greatness that has come from personal growth, and I want to keep evolving in that direction knowing that there is never any final ending point to arrive at.

Since New Year’s resolutions don’t work, here are 3 things I’ve found that do:

1. I assess the last 365 days to celebrate my wins, acknowledge my growth, and consider what I want more of in my life.

2. From there, I choose one word to be my intention, my guide for the entire year.

3. Then, I “spring” clean my home.

For 2019, my word was “ease.” I had spent 2018 trying to force, rush, and control things into my life. Since that didn’t feel good, I wanted more ease to enjoy the ride of life.

Here are just a couple things I experienced in 2019 by intending ease:

  • My Powerhouse Coach spring retreat ended up being just 40 minutes away from my home. (Previous meetings were in Portugal, Whistler, and the Bahamas!)
  • A health food store and yoga studio opened up less than 1 mile from my home, all while I was exploring how to start teaching a studio yoga class again.
  • My corporate job asked me to put together a mindfulness and stress management training for the company, the same training content I was planning to map out for my business.
  • I felt more overall joy and ease in my relationships and work.

My word for 2020 is “play.” I’ve written it on my bulletin board so I am reminded of it daily.

Now, to New Year “spring” cleaning… I make space in my home every January, rather than in the spring. I go through all our closets, my office, and our kitchen pantry and refrigerator to get rid of what we no longer use or love.

De-cluttering and cleaning out my home clears my mind – it gives me space for new ideas and creative output. It creates literal s p a c e for bigger and better things to come into my life.

Well, there you have it. My New Year kickoff plan with zero resolutions or cheesy tag lines. Try them out for yourself and let me know what you experience.

Cheers to 2020 – it’s going to be the best year ever!

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