There’s something about spring that feels like a deep exhale after the long, inward pull of winter. The days stretch a little longer, the air carries the scent of new blossoms, and there’s an energy—almost a hum—beneath the surface of everything. It’s a season of renewal, of planting, of welcoming the promise of what’s to come
But before we get caught up in the bloom, we have to honor what came before. Winter, with all its stillness and starkness, is a season of necessary endings. It strips us down, forces us to see what no longer serves us, and asks us—sometimes gently, sometimes with a fierce wind—to let go. Just as trees shed their leaves and the earth goes quiet under a blanket of frost, we, too, must surrender. Old identities, beliefs, patterns of thought, even relationships—some things are meant to die in the winter of our lives so that something new can take root.
And here’s the part we often resist: We have to grieve what we let go of.
Last year, as I moved through a major life change, I had to grieve an old version of myself—one that had kept me safe but also stifled me. Letting her go? That felt terrifying. Who would I be without her? What would grow in her place? I was so focused on what I was losing that I forgot to trust in what might come next. But I knew she couldn’t come with me into this new season. So I whispered my gratitude: Thank you for your strength. But you don’t have to hold it all anymore. You are safe to step into something new.
As we step into this season of rebirth, the four pillars of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) can serve as our guide:
Self-Awareness: What needs to go? What patterns, beliefs, or habits have you outgrown? Self-awareness is about recognizing where we’re stuck, where we’re holding onto something that no longer fits. Maybe it’s the belief that you have to do everything alone. Maybe it’s the story that you’re not “ready” yet. What are you willing to lay to rest?
Self-Management: Can you sit in the discomfort? Letting go isn’t always easy. Growth is messy, uncomfortable, and often nonlinear. We need to be able to regulate our emotions as we navigate change, trusting that discomfort doesn’t mean something is wrong—it means something is shifting. Can you stay with the process without rushing to fill the void?
Social Awareness: Who and what is supporting your growth? Spring is a reminder that nothing thrives in isolation. Just as flowers need the right soil, sunlight, and water, we need environments and relationships that nurture our evolution. Who in your life encourages your becoming? Who sees your growth even when you can’t yet see it yourself?
Relationship Management: How can you move forward with intention? Once we’ve cleared space, we get to be intentional about what we plant. What do you want to cultivate in this next season of your life? More presence? Deeper connection? Greater courage? Just like a garden, the seeds you plant today determine the harvest you’ll enjoy in the months ahead.
So as spring unfolds around us, I invite you to take a moment to honor what you’ve left behind. To grieve it if you need to. And then, with intention, plant the seeds for what’s next.
Because summer will come. The blooms will arrive. And what we nurture now will soon rise into its full, beautiful expression.
To your blossoming,
With love,
Your coach,
P.S. If you’re navigating a season of letting go and stepping into something new, you don’t have to do it alone. Coaching can help you move through the uncertainty and growth with clarity and intention. If you’re ready to explore what’s next, let’s connect. Click here to book a free consultation call with me.
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