STOP Giving Your Power Away + We Aren’t As Divided As It Seems đź’–

Some perspective I shared on social media this week that’s important for all of us to remember, especially now, because I love ya:


Remember that we (thankfully) live in a democratic nation with checks and balances. The president’s power is an illusion. No one person has full control over our country or you.

If you’re waiting for Trump or Biden or anyone else to fly in and save you, you have given them your power. They won’t be landing on your terrace any time soon. Your power is within you. It always has been; it always will be. Do not give it to them.

Remember that our country was founded on the dream of a better life. Men and women worked and fought tirelessly for their dream. They didn’t wait for someone to give it to them. They worked hard to make it happen.

Instead of sitting in your worry, fear, anger, and hate about the outcome of this or the other candidate, focus that energy on how you can make a difference in this world. Pick the ONE THING that most breaks your heart or has the most meaning to you based on your life experiences. Let that pain be your power, your mess your message.

Use your energy on the ONE THING where you can actually make an impact on our world and you’ll begin to see the change you desire. If we all focus on our ONE THING, miracles happen. 

If you don’t know where to begin, start with your family. Being conscious and emotionally present with your children and partner can change lives – I see it every day.

Yes, I know. Many people have privilege over others. But guess what, there is no law of the universe that states that white, straight, wealthy, able-bodied, Christian men are the only ones to create change or live in joy. Privilege is just a circumstance and sure, you may have to work harder than someone else. But if it means that much to you, do it anyway. Your life is going to pass by no matter what. Wouldn’t you rather it mean something?

Don’t use someone else’s privilege as an excuse to stay in the victim role. Instead, align with your purpose, tap into spirit and abundance, and be in service to our beautiful planet. You’ll find that when you do, your dreams will come true (even though they may look a little different than you expected them to).

Funnel your energy, your focus, toward your passion.


Our country really isn’t as divided and at war as it seems. Media (news, tv, social media, all of it) makes their money by getting our attention in exchange for advertising dollars. Love, kindness, humility don’t draw our human mind’s attention thus don’t bring the media any revenue, so instead they focus on the bullying, the drama, the one block of Portland in turmoil vs. the rest of the entire huge city in peace, the 200 looters vs. the 2 million peaceful protesters, the one person yelling racist, hateful words vs. the thousands of people in loving-kindness for all.

The news and the algorithms in our social media news feeds focus on this because our primitive brain is drawn towards noticing any danger (fear) so we can enter fight or flight to save our lives as we had to back in our early evolution facing the threat of a tiger in our cave.

If we view the world through the lens of the news or anyone that pays attention to the news or social media, we will see distress… because it sells. The truth is there has never been less war, less terrorism, less starvation, etc. Murder rate in the US has been on decline every single year since colonial times. Human beings are mostly good but they aren’t getting featured on the news or social feeds.

So, we can choose to buy into the world the news headlines, the political rhetoric, or the social media click bait paints for us, or we can see the goodness and beauty and kindness that is around. (Staying off ALL media and away from those who consume it and talk about it will help immensely.)

Sure, it looks like our country is divided when you see 50/50 red/blue election results, but if you look up the stats of big picture issues like expanding healthcare coverage, stricter gun laws, abortion legality, racism and racial diversity, the view of China, etc. it shows that 70 – 85++% of Americans agree (depending on which issue’s stats your looking at).

It’s simply not true that we are deeply divided, that humans are rude and unkind, that our country is getting worse, we are just being manipulated by the media to believe it is.

**As always, where our focus goes, energy flows. When we choose to look for and see the good, we will find that it is [TRULY] there.**

Holding you in lots of love,

Your coach,



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