Browsing Tag: emotional intelligence

Why You Ignore That Important Feeling Inside You

A part of self-mastery and having the emotional intelligence that is necessary to effectively lead your team, family, and yourself is feeling your feelings. Why is this so important? Well, because our feelings are messengers. They are a communication vehicle to our inner terrain. They help us do more of what makes us feel good, avoid or establish boundaries around what doesn’t, and understand the relationships in our lives. When We Ignore Our Feelings They …

How To Spot The Stories In Your Head That Steal Your Leadership Effectiveness

As human beings, we love a good story. Stories are how cultural traditions are passed on. They are the way we learn about our ancestors and heritage. And telling a story is one of the best ways to connect with an audience or help others retain information. Inside our heads, however, stories do not serve us. Yet so many of us spend time manufacturing, ruminating on, and acting in accordance with stories that are often …