1) 5 Mindful Ways To Boost Performance, Reduce Stress, And Feel Good Every Day I was thrilled to be invited to relate my expertise of mindfulness and joyful living to the corporate world and train a bunch of meditation-skeptic New Yorkers to be more successful in their careers. Review my performance-enhancing presentation slides here! 2) Money Mindset For Financial Abundance My incredible assistant Lucy McKee put together these 6 key takeaways from a roundtable discussion …
I read 43 nonfiction books, completed 3 online courses, and was part of a year-long mentorship coaching program in 2018, one of the fullest years of my life. (Note: I choose to say “full” instead of “busy,” because that’s what my life is… full of fantastic things I choose to spend my time on.) Why do I want to share this with you? Because I want you to stop saying you don’t have time, or …
Happy 2019! As you are diving into creating your best year ever, I want to share with you something that has been significant in my own life: A regular gratitude practice. I absolutely love this past November’s holiday of Thanksgiving (especially the pumpkin pie!) but for me, really, Thanksgiving is something I celebrate every single day of my life. There are a few different ways that I practice gratitude daily. I have a gratitude journal …
Last Friday: 6:15am Conference calls with Europe. 11:00am Impromptu yoga sweat sesh in my office since I won’t be able to break away later in the afternoon for class at the studio as planned. 12noon Answer a call from my husband informing me our 2-year-old has strep throat. He’s now with Grandma and on antibiotics. Thank goodness for my village. 12:30pm Back to work. 3:30pm Donuts with Dads at 4-year-old’s preschool. I get to be …
1. Putting medicine in a glass of chocolate milk with a spoonful of sugar (thank you Mary Poppins) is way easier than chasing my three-year-old around the house for 30 minutes or trying to reason with him why he needs to take it. 2. Halloween candy should always be kept in the house for emergency bribing situations. 3. Baths somehow calm everyone down and change the energy dynamic instantly. 4. Pirate’s Booty and Mama snuggles …