Browsing Tag: self-care

Mother’s Day Musings From 30,000 Feet…

To all the mamas out there: You’ve done the ultimate sacrifice. You’ve given your body and your life to another human being. I know it makes you proud and happy beyond words. I know it’s challenging beyond words at times, too. Your job is the most important job in the world. How you show up for your children will change this planet. It will change our businesses, our communities, and our countries. One child at …

The Career Mistake Many Working Moms Make

I’ve seen it many times. A woman has a baby or two. There’s less time for her partner, less time for her well-being, and less time for her career. Everything starts to shift. It usually happens in small, practically unnoticeable changes over the course of several years until all of a sudden something happens – like a health scare, a financial misstep, a wake-up conversation with her child’s preschool teacher, a failed work project, an …

When It’s Time To Rest, Rest

Looking back on 2017, it’s been a full, wonderful year for me. Professionally, I’ve worked harder than I ever have, which resulted in the most successful year of my career. I became a published writer and subject matter expert in my field and strengthened my industry contacts from South America to Europe. All three of my events had their best year ever (financially and by customer experience), and I’ve created a foundation for the same …