Browsing Tag: success

Lighting A 🔥 Under Your A$$

In 2017 I visited India for the first time. I went with a friend to help her create partnerships with local organizations that could support her nonprofit. I was excited to experience this new country that had been on my bucket list since I became an avid yogi (and then teacher) back in my 20s. But our trip wasn’t about tourism. We weren’t planning to visit any temples, ride the elephants, or study at an …

4 Small Business Mistakes To Avoid For Success, Freedom & Ease

I was sitting around a table with about 20 other women small business owners earlier this week and was deeply disturbed by some of the things I heard. I know that 90% of all startups fail overall and 50% of all small businesses fail within 5 years. These are hard numbers to keep those of us with the entrepreneurial spirit motivated! And I want those women – ALL women who take the risk of making …

The Teeny Tiny Tip That Helped Me Achieve My BIG Goal In 10 Months

I finished drafting the last chapter of my book yesterday! I peeked at my calendar to see when I got serious about my commitment to writing it, and it was in June of 2020 — just 10 months ago. There are still many stages left of getting my book published and into your hands, but the first major, perhaps hardest, part is done! Last June I committed to writing a short amount every day. I …

The Decision-Making Tool Used By Successful Women

Every decision you’ve made has led you to right where you are right now. Do you love your life? Are you happy with what’s showing up for you regularly? Then you’re probably making the right decisions. Do you have regrets? Do you feel unsure of yourself? Do you feel disappointment and struggle and like you never get ahead? Then you are making decisions that aren’t serving you. Let’s change this up, shall we? I want …

Stay In Your Own Lane For Success

One of my mindset coaches regularly showed me a picture of Michael Phelps in the 2016 Olympics 200M Butterfly event. This picture that caused internet frenzy is of Phelps looking forward, determined, swimming with his eyes on the goal. South African Chad le Clos, a rival of Phelps who had beat him in previous years, is just one head-length behind Phelps in the other lane. In the picture, le Clos is watching Phelps, rather than looking toward where …