The 1 Rule For Happiness, Questions For Purpose & More!

What we consume impacts who we become and the choices we make. We either have what I call a “Murky Mindset” that adds negativity to our life or a “Success Mindset” that sets us up to thrive as leaders at work + home.

Since I’m an information junkie who geeks out on all things emotional intelligence, leadership, and personal development, I share what I’m loving with you each month in our EQ Explorations Newsletter.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

EQ In The News

Harvard Business Review:
4 Strategies To Guide Your Team Through A Departmental Transition

Podcast For Purpose

Podcast superstar Andrew Huberman interviews Jungian psychoanalyst Dr. James Hollis to explore how we ask a different set of questions the second half of our life to express our gifts and align with purpose. Dr. Hollis talks about mortality being the key to meaning, loneliness (and why it’s more of a challenge for men), and about the numinous (a new word I learned and love).

He also references one of my favorite Carl Jung quotes: “The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.” 

Listen Now 👉

Book I Keep On My Nightstand

I currently have 18 books on my nightstand! 😅 And I just went through the stack earlier this month to pare the pile down! 🤦‍♀️ One I reference for inspiration from time to time is Letters To A Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke.

His words are beautiful and thought-provoking, and they take some brain power to interpret (at least for me!) so I suggest browsing before you get sleepy. Critics say this book is a must-read for artists (which I believe all of us are at our core.)

Read Now 👉 Letters To A Young Poet

by Rainer Maria Wilke

 *There are several translations of this work. Do some research and pick the one you resonate with most.

Quote I’m Embracing

“There is one rule. The rule is: there are no rules. Happiness comes from living as you need to, as you want to. As your inner voice tells you to. Happiness comes from being who you actually are instead of who you think you are supposed to be.”

~ Shonda Rhimes

EQ Advocate We’re Celebrating

“Never heard about emotional intelligence before I attended your session and suddenly I found myself talking about EQ to my peers and my young niece. Keep shining, keep smiling, and keep changing the world one EQ session at a time, Sara! Thank you for the empowerment!”

~ Irvine Bourdeau, Development Director, Dr. Piper Center for Social Services

EQ Escapades With Me

Many of my speaking engagements are private – meaning they’re only available to the leadership teams who’ve hired me. But the following event is open for public registration and I’d love to connect with you here!

August 27 in Orlando, FL

Influential Communication With Emotional Intelligence Speaker at HR Florida Conference & Expo

Get Your Purple On

You’ve probably noticed that I love the color 💜🟪🟣 purple. 🟣🟪💜 Did you know it symbolizes wisdom, creativity, and ambition? Here’s where I’ve been wearing my purple with pride recently.

Keynoting Boy Agnew Potanovic Miller’s Employment Law Seminar

The last – but not least! – session at CMAA World Conference in Vegas

An awesome, intimate experience speaking at LevelHERup Leadership Conference in Ft. Myers

How I’m Embodying Connection This Month

At Joy Discovered, we’re on a mission to help you live and lead with connectioncourage, and authenticity. I practice what I preach – and also preach what I need to remember to practice! Here’s how I’ve been living these values recently:

Lately, connection for me has been about connection to myself. While I’ve been on this EQ journey for many decades, the universe has recently been asking (or forcing…😅) me to go deeper, challenging my beliefs and shining a light on parts of me that have more healing to do. I continue this work so I can make decisions from love and truth vs. from wounding and fear. While being in the middle of it can be painful at times, I know it’s leading me toward greater connection to myself and, ultimately, more joy. Then, from this connection to self, I’m better able to connect with others.

EQ AMA (Ask-Me-Anything)

What EQ challenges are you struggling with? What do you want to learn about being a more courageous, authentic leader at work + home?

Reply to this email so I can answer your question in an upcoming newsletter or training session!

With love,

💜 Your coach,


P.S. I LOVE sharing EQ wisdom and would love to work with YOU! If you’d like me to come speak with your team or at your next event, please schedule a time for us to talk HERE or simply comment below.

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