Vast research has found that people who regularly practice gratitude:
👍 Have more energy
👍 Are less likely to be depressed, anxious, or lonely
👍 Experience a higher quality of sleep
👍 Get fewer headaches
👍 Feel stronger social connections
👍 Are happier and more optimistic
👍 And are more emotionally intelligent than those who don’t.
These are all important qualities that help us be impactful leaders at both work and home, so maybe it should be Thanksgiving every day of the year!
(Though the daily consumption of dressing and pumpkin pie for me would soon offset the extra energy created by Turkey Day appreciation!)
Whether you practice being thankful daily or only around the dinner table on November 24th, know that all thankfulness isn’t created equal. You can amplify the positive benefits of gratitude by applying these 3 Ss to your practice:
1. Specific.
Be grateful for the toothless smile on your grandson’s face that lights up your heart and fills your body with joy (specific), rather than grateful for your son (general).
2. Savor.
Practice savoring, the art of living in the present moment when you experience something. Notice how all five of your senses are experiencing it. Slow down and take it all in. Express out loud how much and what you are specifically enjoying.
3. Someone else.
Another factor that contributes to a longer, happier life is our relationships. Expressing appreciation for someone else will tie these powerful life uppers together.
Do the gratitude thing (and do it better!) by adopting the 3 S’s of Gratitude. Every aspect of your life – physical, emotional, social – will thank you for it.
💜 Your Coach,
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