What if I told you there was one question you could ask that nearly guarantees the achievement of your 2024 goals?
This question helped me surpass a huge goal I had for my business in 2023. I set out to double the number of speaking engagements I delivered in 2022, to go from 15 per year to 30 per year.
And that I did. I’m thrilled to share that I just finished delivering my 36th keynote and workshop of the year – a 140% increase! Some were 60 minutes long, others 7 hours long – all were full of EQ juiciness and stories by yours truly.
The question that helped me strategize, focus, and take action on the things that would truly move my goal forward is inspired by Gary Keller’s bestseller The One Thing:
What’s the ONE thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?
I have this quote written on my whiteboard. I ask myself this question on the first Monday of every month when I do my monthly work + life journaling check-in. I ask this question every Sunday when I plan my week and every morning when I map out the most essential projects to get done.
It has saved me tons of time and procrastination and is also responsible for me – finally – publishing my book early next year.
Take this question to your 2024 goals (You already have them identified, right?! Because we want to be SPRINTING into the New Year with gusto! Life is too short not to.), then write down your ONE THING.
Email me or comment below and let me know what your ONE THING is so I can root you on! (I really do want to hear from you and I read every single message I receive, so let me know!)
Cheers to making 2024 your best year ever!
Love and success, Your Coach,
P.S. Want clarity, accountability, and support to achieve your 2024 goals? I have two 1:1 coaching client slots still available for 2024. Book a call with me here if you’d like to explore whether working with me as your coach is right for you.
What's your greatest take-away from this blog? Any questions?