The Teeny Tiny Tip That Helped Me Achieve My BIG Goal In 10 Months

I finished drafting the last chapter of my book yesterday!

I peeked at my calendar to see when I got serious about my commitment to writing it, and it was in June of 2020 — just 10 months ago.

There are still many stages left of getting my book published and into your hands, but the first major, perhaps hardest, part is done!

Last June I committed to writing a short amount every day. I played with giving myself different word count goals, and it turned out giving myself the goal of just 250 words per day was most effective for me.


Because 250 words per day is so doable. Once I finally get past the writer’s procrastination and start typing, 250 words takes me only 10 to 15 minutes to bang out. It feels easy and so I do it (more often than not). I went strong on 750 words per day when I first started, but lost steam after a couple months and had to re-strategize.

This is common. We all lose motivation for our important goals from time to time and need to pivot. So don’t beat yourself up and please don’t give up when you’ve lost steam. Instead, shift goals if needed, remember WHY your dream is so important to you, and seek support to re-energize yourself.

This is the beauty of breaking down our big, harry and audacious dreams into teeny tiny goals. When we look at the big dream, we freeze in overwhelm at what’s ahead of us. When we look at the bite-sized goal, we plug away at it, and our progress gives us energy to keep moving forward. It’s the difference between staring in overwhelm at the dream of writing an entire book, changing jobs, starting a new business, or climbing an entire mountain vs. tackling the totally doable small goal steps of writing 250 words per day, updating one section of our resume, having one market research conversation with an ideal client, or hiking 200 feet to the next lookout point.

March is often when people give up on their big goals and aspirations that were set at the turning of the New Year. But I beg you to keep going. I beg you to shift, re-strategize, and renew your focus. I beg you to bring forth whatever is in your heart to share with the world. It’s there for a reason and we need it. We need you. You can do it. Tiny, intentional, focused baby steps… One. At. A. Time.

I’m cheering for your success!

Lots of love,

Your coach,


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